BAPA Moments (Re-made: Season 1)

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Season 1

The Thousand Pranks War; Part 1

Bose: "I'm sorry, I thought we were taking this prank seriously."

Chapa: "We are, but it already looks like a real apple."

Bose continues painting the fake apple.

Chapa: "You know... if you stop painting that thing... I'll kiss you right now."

Bose immediately stops.

Bose: "Deal."

Bose sets the paint stuff down, removes the giant helmet he has on, and he and Chapa lean in to share a kiss. This goes on for five seconds, and when they pull away, the sound that signifies someone is coming up on a chair goes off. They immediately put their prank into position.

Vidja Games

Bose: "Chapa, I am so grateful you turned me on to Howdee, I hired a celebrity to send a 'thank you' message."

Chapa is immediately intrigued. Bose plays the message, and it's from Cardi B (I can't remember exactly what she said). When the video ended, Chapa had a warm smile on her face.

Chapa: "Aww, Bose, thank you so much."

Bose: "No problem, I'm rich."

Chapa: "Ya welcome."


Captain Man is being used as a human piñata in the Man's Nest. The Danger Force kids sit on the side and watch the whole thing take place.

Brainstorm: "You guys, this warm buttah did NOT travel well."

Volt: "Don't drink it, then."

Brainstorm: "Oh, I'm still drinking it."

At that moment, Chapa reached her hand out to stop him.

Volt: "First..."

Chapa leans in and plants a kiss on Bose's lips. He smiles and immediately kisses back. No one sees it going on, which was good.

Test Friends

Bose comes up the tube with a baby goat in his arm. The others are on the couch, and they notice him.

Bose: "You guys, we have to go back to the petting zoo and get the rest of the animals."

Chapa: "Do we, though?"

Bose: "Yes. In the future, Ray turns evil and destroys all of Swellview, especially the petting zoo."

Miles: "Uh... what?"

Bose: "It's true. My future self called me and told me I had to destroy Ray to save Swellview, but I wouldn't do it."

Mika: "Bose, honey, are we forgetting the difference between dreams and reality again?"

Bose: "It wasn't a dream. Check my call history."

Bose hands his phone to Mika, who finds something confusing.

Mika: "Wait a minute, this is Ray's phone number."

Bose: "That's impossible, Ray doesn't have a phone. Some boy stole it."

Chapa: "No, Bosey, that was my phone that got stolen by a boy."

Bose: "Oh... really? Wow... I feel a little embarrassed now."

Chapa stands up and pats his shoulder.

Chapa: "You're alright, dude."

Chapa even pets the baby goat a little bit.

Captain Man Strikes Out

Miles: "I can't control when I have visions of the future. They just show up when they show up. I mean, maybe if I had some Nacho Ball right now, they would show up."

Bose: "Not a problem. I'll be back here with some."

Bose tries to teleport, unbeknownst to him that he doesn't have that power.

Bose: "Huh, guess my power isn't working right now."

Chapa: "Bosey, you do not have the power to teleport."

Mika: "You have telekinesis."

Bose: "I do? Oh, that sounds bad. Tell my mom that I love her."

Chapa walks over to Bose and pats his shoulder.

Chapa: "Oh, Bose. There's a lot you still need to learn."

Bose: "Yeah, I know."

Earth To Bose

Ray was about to smash his smashing vase from the TV suddenly cutting out, but Bose stops him.

Bose: "I think I know what the problem is. Look."

They look outside and see Mika and Schwoz doing whatever that made the TV go out. Chapa was proud of him for figuring out the problem. She ruffles his hair.

Chapa: "Bosey, you actually figured something out. I think you're getting smarter, and as I say that, I see that you're wearing your socks on the outside of your shoes."

Bose: "I love these socks. I love looking at these socks. Not gonna apologi-"

At that moment, Bose slipped and almost fell to the floor, but Chapa caught him.

Bose: "Phew, thanks, Chapa. That could've ended really badly for me, or for the both of us."

Chapa: "Well, luckily, my boots have a pretty strong grip on the ground."

Bose: "Well, that's good."

Chapa: "You know what else has a strong grip?"

Bose: "No, what?"

Chapa: "My lips."

Before Bose could say anything else, Chapa leaned in and kissed him. When she pulled away, Bose leaned in and kissed her. At that, the both of them started to make out.

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