Rise and Shine

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No One's POV:

It is morning. Chapa is sound asleep in her bed when suddenly, her alarm clock goes off. She didn't wanna get up, but she knew if she didn't, the alarm would still go on and on, so she groaned to herself and got up and turned off the alarm. She then looks over and sees her cat, Gary.

Chapa: "Good morning, Gary."

Gary: "Meow."

Chapa: "Say, Gary, do you ever wonder what Bose's mornings are like?"

The scene cuts over to Bose's bedroom, when his alarm clock wakes him up as well. He immediately gets up and starts freaking out. After a few seconds, he hides behind his bed.

Bose: "Where's that noise coming from?"

He looks over at his alarm clock, which is still ringing.

Bose: "Ohhhh, it's you again. Okay, joke's over."

His alarm clock continues ringing.

Bose: "Okay, you got me, now cut it out."

Nothing changes. Bose gets angry.

Bose: "That's it!"

He runs over and tackles his lamp.

Bose: "Stop your ringing, mister! I'm warning you!"

He starts to attack the lamp.

Bose: "Stop it! I said quit it!"

He manages to snap his lamp in half, but it doesn't make a difference.

Bose: "Where's that ringing coming from? Make it stop!"

His alarm clock approaches him, seemingly with a mind of its own. Bose talks to it.

Bose: "You gotta help me find out where that ringing is coming from."

The clock turns and leaves.

Bose: "Hey, come back!"


Bose: "Oh, fine! I'll ask someone who cares!"

Bose takes a pillow and a marker. He draws Chapa's face on the pillow.

Bose: "Chapa, where's that ringing coming from?"

Nothing. Suddenly, his stomach growls.

Bose: "Breakfast!"

He goes into the kitchen. He opens a cabinet.

Bose: "Dang it! I'm out of food again! All I have are these lousy boxes with pictures of food on them. I wanted real food, not pictures!"

Bose shakes the box, and realizes that there's cereal inside.

Bose: "Ohhhhh, the food is in the can."

He takes the box over to the counter and sets it down.

Bose: "Okay, come on out."

Nothing happens.

Bose: "Come on now."

Bose gets an idea. He goes over and gets a bowl. He brings it over to the cereal box.

Bose: "Okay, breakfast, get on the plate."


Bose: "Come on now. A nice, clean plate. Just for you. Come on... get on there."

Still nothing.

Bose: "Hello? Anybody in there?"

He brings his ear up to the box.

Bose: "Nobody's home. I'm coming to save you!"

Bose bangs his head on the box, which causes him to get dizzy.

Bose: "Having a little bit of trouble reaching you."

He falls to the ground. He gets back up after a second.

Bose: "Stupid boxes."

He throws the box across the room, which lands on the alarm clock. The cereal spills out.

Bose: "Ohhh... food."

The scene cuts to Bose sitting on his bed with a bowl of cereal.

Bose: "Ahh, my favorite time of the day: breakfast and a little morning television."

Bose turns on his TV.

TV: "Now, for some random morning news topics."

Bose takes a bite of his cereal, then quickly feels something wrong. He opens his mouth, and out spits his alarm clock.

Bose: "Oh, no!"

He stops his clock.

Bose: "I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!"

Bose hurriedly turns off his TV and grabs a change of clothes. He runs to the bathroom.

Bose: "I gotta take a teeth and brush my shower!"

(That was written on purpose)

Bose tries to make the shower as quick as possible while still doing it properly. When he gets out, he quickly dries himself and puts on his change of clothes. He runs to the sink to brush his teeth. After he's done, he runs to his bedroom to put on his shoes.

When he's completely ready, he runs downstairs and opens the door. He sees Chapa standing there, smiling.

Chapa: "Hey, Bose. How was your morning?"

Bose: "Oh, you know... the usual."

Chapa and Bose share a brief kiss before leaving his house to walk to the Man's Nest.

(Comment below if you got what this is a parody of (lol))

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