Let's Go To The Movies (Remake)

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No One's POV:

Chapa, Bose, Miles and Mika are in S.W.A.G. with Ray, who is getting ready to teach them about a new way of hurting bad guys.

Ray: "Alright, who's ready to learn how to truly hurt a bad guy?"

Chapa: "Always!"

Miles: "Already know, ready to show!"

Mika: "Absolutely love learning!"

Bose: "Sticks and stones, they'll break his bones!"

As they were about to start, Ray stopped them.

Ray: "Anybody can hurt a bad guy with weapons."

Mika: "Yeah, kind of the point. That's why we have them."

Ray: "Or with shooting lightning from your hands or super screaming or teleporting them into a volcano or... brain-lifting a Swellview city bus onto their face."

Chapa looks at Bose with impression, and she pats his shoulder. She says to him softly...

Chapa: "Proud of you, man."

Bose: "Aww, thanks."

Ray says that the best way to attack a bad guy is by hurting their feelings. Chapa wastes no time with this one.

Chapa: "Oh, so if you were a bad guy, I'd say something like..."

Ray: "No, we're not doing me."

Chapa: "Ray, do you just skip leg day, or do you have a religious exemption from it?"

At that, everyone laughs and the Burn-O-Meter on the screen goes up.

Ray: "Hilarious, you're supposed to be roasting the dummy."

Bose: "Uh, I think she just did."

Everyone laughs at that one, too.

After a few more roasts, Schwoz comes in and warns them the Deuce Van Nuys is on his way to the Man's Nest. He then says that the movie deal Mika (as Shout-Out) made with Deuce a while ago is "deadsies." Mika is shocked, despite Deuce leaving messages with someone in the Man's Nest for weeks.

Of course, that someone turned out to be Bose, who forgot to tell Mika about the many calls. Mika is annoyed, as well as everyone else, but Chapa figured that he would forget about them, just like he's forgotten about other stuff. Chapa wanted to defend Bose, but they already had a new problem: trying to come up with a new movie idea.

Ray instructed Schwoz to go distract Deuce Van Nuys in one of his many disguises, Lefty Schwoz (I think that's the name). While that went on, the rest of them tried to come up with a new movie idea.

When it was Chapa's turn to present, she pitched an idea about a movie that was clearly similar to squid games. Bose liked the idea, whereas everyone else already wanted to hear a different idea from someone else. When it was Bose's turn, he pitched an idea that made no sense at all.

Later that night, after finally coming up with a new idea, they changed into Danger Force to go present the movie idea, but Deuce already had a good idea in mind that had been presented to him earlier, starring Keanu Reeves. Then, Deuce left.

However, beforehand, when they came up the S.W.A.G. chairs and saw Deuce with the practice dummy from earlier, they stopped in their tracks. Chapa got pushed aside by Ray, and Bose was able to catch her before she actually fell. Chapa looked at Bose and smiled as a way of thanking him.

Chest Monster came in and said that he told them to pitch Deuce a movie with Keanu Reeves. Having had enough of Chest Monster, Ray told Schwoz to ready the Man Cannon, and they fired Chest Monster out of it.

Everyone changed back into their normal clothes and decided to head home for the night, disappointed that their idea didn't work. Surprisingly, Chapa asked Bose if he wanted to walk with her to her house, and he accepted the offer.

During their walk, they began a conversation.

Bose: "I can't believe our new movie idea didn't work."

Chapa: "Yeah, but at least it's over with. It was stressing me out."

Bose: "Me, too. The idea that I had was sort of last second, which was why it didn't make sense."

Chapa: "I see... and speaking of which...  I'm sorry that I got irritated at you when you asked for bathroom break before I began presenting my idea."

Bose: "Don't be, Chapa. I was actually really excited to hear your idea, but I figured that if I held it in during the time, things would've ended really badly."

Chapa: *chuckles* "Yeah, I can get behind that."

There is a moment of silence, then Chapa starts the conversation back up.

Chapa: "Here's a good idea... imagine if they made a movie... starring the two of us."

Bose: "Huh... that's interesting. What would we be doing in the movie?"

Just then, there was a mild boom of thunder, and rain just suddenly started to come down. Chapa stops walking, and Bose as well after.

Chapa: "Well, for example, this would be a good scene for the movie."

Bose: "Us standing out in the rain?"

Chapa: "Well, yeah... but not just standing. I was thinking that we'd do... more than that."

Chapa gets closer to him, and she puts her hands on his shoulders. She smiles.

Bose: "Wait... you mean...?"

Chapa: "Yeah... I do, but only if you're up for it."

Bose doesn't say anything, but he does smile. He places one hand on the side of Chapa's face. The two lean in, and just like that, their lips met. It was like paradise for them, but it especially felt so good for Bose to finally kiss Chapa's beautiful, soft and plump lips.

Of course, they did multiple kisses, not just one big, long one, and everytime their lips touched, they were both in heaven more and more. To them, this was a perfect scene if they made a movie about the two of them, the two of them kissing for the first time out in the rain.

(Btw, some people might think a scene like this is cliché, but I think it's perfect)

When they pulled away, they smiled at each other. Their hair, as well as their clothes, were pretty much soaked, but they didn't really care. However, Chapa then said this...

Chapa: "I know this might not be a good time to say this, but my parents aren't gonna be happy if we walk in and get the floors completely wet."

Bose: "Ah, don't worry about that. I've got a solution, and I know it's too late for it, but..."

Just then, Bose pulled an umbrella out of god knows where (the classic gag that was running in the show for a long time). He opened it up, and he held it over the two of them. Luckily, it was big enough. The two interlocked fingers with each other, and they proceeded back up again towards Chapa's house.

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