Chapa? (Part 4)

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(Final chapter of "Chapa?")

Bose's POV:

As me, Chapa, Mika and Miles head towards the exit, I hear a grunting noise. I turned around to see that Chapa was being attacked by Clone Chapa. Mika and Miles turned around to see all this happening. We couldn't tell which one was which, considering they had the same outfits on.

Then I thought to myself, Clone Chapa probably did this on purpose to get original Chapa out of the picture to be with me. I should've known she would go and do something like that. I mean, I do like like Chapa, but not Clone Chapa. Clone Chapa is just too...evil for me. Original Chapa has everything that I really like about her.

She's smart, she's brave, she always knows when to make me laugh. Her hugs are heaven for me. When I'm wrapped in her arms, I feel so much better. I've had a feeling Chapa wanted to tell me how she felt, too, and she would've been able to if Clone Chapa didn't get in the way. I've got to put a stop to this.

While Chapa and Clone Chapa are still fighting on the ground, I run over and grab one of their weapons, and I ready myself for what I'm about to do.


Both Chapas stop on command, they get up, and they see I have a weapon.

Me: "Alright, now, here's how it's going to be: I'm going to ask you both at the same time a couple of questions. Questions that I know only the real Chapa will be able to get right. Whoever doesn't get all of the questions right will be deemed the evil clone. We clear on the rules?"

Chapa and Clone Chapa look at each other, then back to me. They both nod.

Both: "Yes."

Me: "Good, let's begin. Question number 1: when is Chapa's birthday?"

Both Chapas: "November 20th!"

(Fun fact: November 20th is actually Havan Flores's birthday)

I was surprised by how quickly they both answered at the same time.

Me: "Uh, correct. Both of you get a point on this one. Next question: what small animal did I want for after we defeated The Cell?"

Clone Chapa: "Baby chicken!"

Me: "Mmm, there's more to it than just that."

Chapa: "Baby chicken in a cowboy hat!"

Me: "There it is! Another point for you!"

Clone Chapa: "Hey, I deserve half a point for getting some of it right!"

Me: "I don't believe in half points, they're too confusing."

The other Chapa crosses her arms in a huff.

Me: "Question 3: what is Chapa's favorite music genre?"

Both Chapas: "Rock/Metal!"

Me: "Correct, a point for both of you."

Miles: "Okay, this is getting ridiculous. I'm going to put a stop to this."

Mika holds her arm out in front of him.

Mika: "Wait, no, no, no. I want to see where this goes."

Miles rolls his eyes. A few more questions were asked, and pretty soon, both Chapas were tied with six points. Only one more question until I figure out who the real Chapa is.

Me: "Now, we move on to the final question. This one can only ever be answered by the real Chapa."

Both Chapas: "Bring it on!"

Me: "Alright, final question: ...who am I in like-like with?"

Clone Chapa: "Me! You're in like-like with me!"

One little slip like that is enough to convince me that that was Clone Chapa who said that. After she says that, I zap her unconscious with the weapon.

Me: "Ha! I tricked you there, didn't I? The real Chapa does not know who I'm in like-like with."

I drop the weapon and I get closer to the real Chapa.

Chapa: "Bose? Are...are you in like-like...with me?"

I nod.

Me: "I've been wanting to admit it for a long time, and I was going to earlier today, but then, everything with the clones happened, all kind of got in my way."

Chapa was trying to figure out what to say next, but she couldn't. She ended up pulling me into a hug. From that moment, I knew that Chapa felt the same way about me. I hugged her back, and in that instant, I was in heaven again. Her and I pulled away eventually. Mika and Miles got closer to where we were at, but we basically pretended that they weren't there.

Chapa: "I'm so glad that you feel the same way about me."

I smile.

Me: "So, does that mean we're officially official now?"

Chapa slightly giggles.

Chapa: "Does this answer your obvious question?"

Chapa pulls me into a kiss, and I, of course, kiss back. In that moment, I knew that this was the best moment of my life. I've been waiting for so long to admit my feelings for her, and I finally did it. When we pull away, we smile at each other.

Chapa: "I love you, my handsome Bosey."

Me: "I love you, too, my beautiful Chaps."

Chapa giggles at my nickname for her. Suddenly, a phone notification comes through. Miles looks at his phone. We all look at him.

Miles: "Well, you're not going to believe this: turns out the reason those clones came back was because Schwoz accidentally turned on the machine that kept them awake. But he figured it out and eventually turned them off again."

Mika: "Typical Schwoz."

Me: "So, I guess this means we didn't defeat them ourselves?"

Chapa: "We may not have defeated them ourselves, but hey, we still won."

Me: "Yeah, you're right."

Miles: "Alright, let's get out of this place. I've been in it for too long."

Mika: "Me, too."

Chapa: "Me, three."

All four of us walk out of this desolate building together. Mika and Miles are walking in front, while Chapa and I are walking behind them, as Chapa and I are holding each other's hand. Her hands feel really soft. I've never realized that until just now. I really like it.

(You have reached the ending of "Chapa?", I hope you enjoyed it, more one-shots chapters coming very soon!)

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