The Thousand Pranks War: Part 1 (Remake)

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Chapa's POV:

Bose and I are in the Man's Nest, working together to prank Mika. You're probably wondering why. Well, it's because she keeps reminding Ray to give us homework at the end of every day. Yeah, I know she loves to learn, but she doesn't have to make it hard for the rest of us.

For our prank, we filled a water balloon with spicy milk and painted it to look like a real apple. Once Mika takes a bite, SPICY MILK! #GETMILKED! Although, Bose was kind of taking up a little time with still painting it, so I had to tell him that it looks fine the way it is.

Bose: "I'm sorry, I thought we were taking this prank seriously."

I had to take a deep breath before completely losing it.

Me: "We are, but it already looks like a real apple."

We heard the chair alarm go off, and we had to place our prank in position for Mika to take. However, it was just Miles that came up. He walks over towards us.

Miles: "What's going on here?"

Bose: "Oh, we're waiting for Mika."

Miles: "My sister?"

Me: "The same."

Miles grabs for the apple and almost takes a bite, but I immediately grab it before things got bad. We had to explain to him how we were gonna prank Mika with the fake apple. Miles says that it'll be impossible because she's a "prank genious."

Speaking of Mika, at this time, she comes up the tube and brags about how "groovy" last night's homework was. This made me so mad that I crushed a real apple in my hands with my powers.

Suddenly, Mika could sense that someone was trying to prank her. Bose and I immediately rebuff this, but she didn't believe us. She tries to trick us into eating the "apple," and of course, she gets Bose, but I had to act fast so that he also didn't accidentally get pranked.

Mika brags to our faces about how right she was. Hearing that just made me want to throw the spicy milk apple at her, and I was about to, but Bose stopped me.

Bose: *whispers* "Not worth it anymore."

When I looked at Bose, I could tell he was serious, and I couldn't say no to him, so I just put the fake apple down. He smiles when I do. Without knowing at first, I smile back. Suddenly, Ray comes in and tells us about how we have to protect this dude that's from Rivalton.

The next day, when we get there, we stand guard while the Archduke give his speech. Suddenly, a chain of pranks goes off on him, and it led Miles to the conclusion that we were so gonna get yelled at.


Bose's POV:

Ray is reprimanding us for our failure to protect the Archduke, but to me, this wouldn't have happened if he didn't have a date with "a hot mom who likes pinball." He shows us a documentary about this war called The Thousand Pranks War, and when it goes off, Mika doesn't really believe that the war would start up again.

At that moment, Chapa (as Volt) comes in the Man's Nest with a cheerleader outfit on, and she looked a little traumatized.

Chapa: "They got me." 

We all knew exactly what she was talking about. It all started with calling in a fake emergency, spilling grease on her outfit, handing her a new outfit, which was the cheerleader costume of Rivalton. Actually, Mika explained all that. Chapa says that what Mika said is absolutely right.

I was really worried, so I got down next to Chapa, who fell to the floor in trauma, and I held her in my arms.

Chapa: "Avenge me..."

With this, Chapa falls unconscious. I didn't know how to feel right now. I was just too worried about what it all must've looked like.

Ray: "Still think yesterday's prank is just gonna blow over?"

I knew that he had a point. Seeing Chapa like this both worried me and made me really angry at Rivalton for them doing this to her.

Me: "One, two, three, four, I declare a prank war!"

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