Hey, Where's Schwoz? (Remake)

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(I'm only going to remake a few parts of the episode, not the whole thing, but enjoy!)

No One's POV:

About a week after Schwoz was kidnapped by members of The Cell, Danger Force remain completely unaware of the situation.

Ray: "We've been training for seven days. You guys all know the mission. It's time to rescue...the lost arts of Salsa Dancing!"

Salsa music starts, and everyone in the Man's Nest starts dancing. Ray dances in the middle, Mika and Miles are dance partners on one side, and Chapa and Bose are dance partners on the other side.

Chapa's POV:

As Bose and I were dancing, I can't help but notice how handsome he looks in his blue suit. Everytime he spins me around, I feel warm and tingly inside. When he holds my hands, I never want to let go.

Miles: *in Spanish* "Wait! Wait! Wait!"

I feel a little sad when we have to stop dancing. I was having a good time.

Miles: "Aren't we missing someone?"

Me: "Yeah, it definitely feels like we are missing someone."

Mika: "Yeah, Ray can't Salsa Dance without a partner."

The tube alarm sounds, the tube comes down, Buddy comes up in his white suit. The tube goes back up.

Buddy: "Correction: you can't Salsa Dance without a Buddy!"

Ray: "It's a Salsa Dancin' miracle!"

Miles: *in Spanish* "Let's dance!"

I was so happy when he said that. When we start dancing again, I get that warm feeling inside again.

Bose's POV:

I was so happy to be Salsa Dancing with Chapa. There's just something about her that makes everything so perfect. I mean, she has an amazing look right now: her beautiful flowing black hair, her pretty white and green dress, and her nice black heeled boots. They make her look taller, almost as tall as me. Height didn't matter to me, though.

All I know is that I don't want us to stop holding each other's hands while we dance. She's so beautiful.

Another Week Later

Chapa's POV:

Well, this is just great. The Cell kidnapped Brainstorm while he tried to fit in with the rest of them as a Cell member. I'm not even mad that he blew his own cover, I'm just really worried about where they could've taken him.

To make matters worse, the tracker that Captain Man put on Brainstorm doesn't work because the batteries were never put in. Now I was even more freaked out.

Me: "We don't know where they are!"

Captain Man: "Please stop yelling at me, I'm not the one who forgot to put batteries in the tracking device."

Suddenly, Buddy comes out from "The Hole."

Buddy: "Did someone say 'put batteries in the tracking device?' Because I already did."

As soon as he said that, my face lit up with excitement.

Me: "You did?!"

AWOL: "So, what are these batteries, then?"

Buddy: "Those are the cheap factory ones that came with the tracker, sir. I put fresh, new American batteries in it."

We all cheered as Shout-Out went over to the tablet to locate Schwoz and Brainstorm. Once we got the location, we prepared to leave.

Captain Man: "Alright, let's go rescue our guys. I'm gonna punch The Cell so hard that they're gonna be sneezing from their butts."

My face filled with confusion.

Me: "Okay, I'm gonna pretend you did not just say that."

Captain Man: "It's true, though."

AWOL teleports us as me and Captain Man get into an argument about what he said.


Bose's POV:

Schwoz is trying to scare The Cell with the fact that Danger Force will be here soon and will punch them so hard that they'll be sneezing from their butts. They weren't buying it, though. I was more worried about just getting saved. Suddenly, they teleport in.

Volt: "I refuse to believe that you can punch someone and make them sneeze from their butts."

Captain Man: "Listen and learn, kiddo."

Captain Man approaches a Cell member, punches him where his gut is, and sure enough, it's true. Volt tries it out for herself, but ends up making the guy burp instead. I thought that was pretty funny, though. Eventually, she makes the guy sneeze out of his butt and fall to the ground.

Then, a raging fight starts. Shout-Out makes her way over to Schwoz and uses her powers to release the handcuffs that were keeping Schwoz from leaving. I get in on the fight, too. Volt and I are now side-by-side against a Cell member. We both use our powers at the same time to take him down.

We high-five each other in victory. Once all the members were down, we grabbed Schwoz and the cave drawing, and AWOL teleported us all out of the Cell's base.

We are all now back at the Man's Nest.

AWOL: "Thank you for flying Air AWOL, we have reached our final destination."

Chapa's POV:

Once we all got settled in, Brainstorm and I hugged each other tight. I didn't want to let go, but we had to. Otherwise, everyone else might get suspicious.

Me: "They better not have been mean to you guys."

Brainstorm: "Eh, other than getting yeeted across the room, it wasn't that bad. They even let us build stuff."

I look at him in shock. I couldn't believe they would actually do that to someone as nice as Brainstorm. I may have looked fine on the outside, but inside, I wanted to cry. The thought of Brainstorm getting hurt at all just pains me so much.

(Hey, hope you all enjoyed this, btw, this was my first remake of an episode, but I will continue doing more in the future)

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