The Force Returns: Part 1 (Remake)

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(Warning: swearing)

Chapa's POV:

Well, let me just say this: these past few months have been nothing but complete shit. Not just for me, but for everyone else. Ever since our moms found out about our secret identities, thanks to that bitch police officer, they pulled us out of Danger Force, and we're now being forced to live our normal lives. We can't even use our superpowers anymore. The only good thing about this was that my mom let me dye my hair again. I'm still mad at her, though.

But ever since then, I've been committing crimes left and right. If there's nothing to guide me to the good, I naturally go to the bad. It sucks that I keep getting arrested, but I just can't stop. Eventually, my mom got sick of it and decided to ground me. At this point, I'm ready to say "Fuck you" to her and leave.

Right now, I'm being forced to watch her do her 50 million things at once, and after some time, I get sick of it, and decide to leave, but mom stops me.

Mom: "No, no, no. No leaving this house for you, young lady, because everytime you leave, you commit some crime."

I can't believe this bitch right now.

Me: "You don't like it when I fight crime, you don't like when I commit crimes. I can't win with you!"

If I'm being totally and completely honest right now, another reason why I wanted to leave the house was to go see Bose. I haven't seen him the whole time we've been out of Danger Force, and I've been really missing him. Sometimes, I would cry at night whenever he came into my mind. Just the thought of all those times not seeing him really gets to me.

A Few Days Later

Bose's POV:

Well, this is not good. My mom just straight-up went missing. I haven't seen her or gotten an inappropriate GIF from her in days. Miles, Mika and I were at their house, watching the news about my mom. I was worried at first, but then, I saw this as the perfect opportunity for us to get back in the superhero game and go find her. But Miles reminds me that we're not allowed to fight crime or use our superpowers anymore.

This made me sad, not only because we're not allowed to fight crime, but because I can't see Chapa anymore. Nobody really knows this, but I think I might have a crush on her. I don't know exactly how long I've felt like this, but it's true. Suddenly, she comes through the window, and I see that her hair is a different color. Already, I love it.

Chapa: "Hey, I know we're not allowed to hang outside school anymore, but...I haven't seen my mom in days."

Oh, no. Not her mom, too.

Chapa: *whispers* "Also, I missed you."

I couldn't tell if she was saying to just me, but just in case, I said something back.

Me: "Something's going on, and we missed you, too."

Chapa smiles that heartwarming smile of hers, and already, I was in love. Suddenly, the twins' dad comes through the door and explains how he can't find Angela anywhere. Well, shit, another mom is missing now, too. When Herm leaves, we start freaking out.

Chapa: "What kind of sick, twisted, low-life piece of trash would kidnap all three of our moms?"

Wait a minute...

At The Man's Nest

(Still) Bose's POV:

Ray: "It wasn't me."

Chapa: "Oh, really?"

Me: "The guy who's mad at our moms for pulling us out of Danger Force?"

Mika: "The guy who would go to ridiculous lengths to get what he wants?"

Miles: "The guy who wrote 'Kidnap their moms until they change their minds' on his whiteboard that says 'Sick plans for getting Danger Force back?!'"

Ray: "Yeah, still haven't crossed that one out. Haven't gotten around to it yet."

I wasn't buying anything Ray was saying. He's the only dude in Swellview who's seriously obsessed with moms. In fact, he's so obsessed that I think he needs serious help.

Sometime later, we found out that Ray implanted tracking chips on every mom in Swellview, including ours. This made Chapa really angry, something else I really missed.

Chapa: "Someone bring me my Laserville Slugger."

Ooo, Chapa's bringing out the big guns, even though it's not a gun, because that would be taking it way too far. When she has the bat, she takes a swing at Ray, who's wearing the bear-proof suit. I wanted to watch her take another swing, but I was busy working on something with Miles and Schwoz.

Some More Time Later

Chapa's POV:

Turns out the chips Ray implanted might actually help us out. When we pulled up the track board, however, we see the red dots go missing. Schwoz comes to the conclusion that someone is kidnapping all the moms in Swellview.

Two days later, Schwoz builds an invention that can bring all the moms to the Man's Nest. Miles would have to be hooked up to the machine so he can teleport them all. I thought this would actually work.

Once Miles is hooked up, Schwoz turns on the machine. Suddenly, I feel Bose's hands on my shoulders. I could tell he was hiding behind me again. That was fine with me, because I like when he does it. I did try to calm him down a little by placing my hand on one of his hands and looking at him.

Me: *softly* "It's alright, dude."

Bose smiles and interlocks his fingers with mine, something I've wanted to do with him for a long time.

Anyway, once the machine is done with its job, we hear from Ray that it worked. We started to celebrate, but out of nowhere, the machine turned on by itself. Schwoz realizes that someone has hacked into the Man's Nest and took control of the machine. Bose freaks out immediately.

Bose: "Aw, we're never gonna be Danger Force again!"

He says this as he slowly falls to the ground with his hand still on my shoulder. I had to make him let go, not because I didn't like it, and I definitely do like it, but because I didn't want anyone else to see him doing it and assume that we're in love.

However, I have had a crush on him for a while, though. It's been on the tip of my tongue to tell him, but that whole episode of events kept screwing things up.

(Get it? "Episode?")

After the whole thing, we decided to go find those moms ourselves, as Danger Force. Schwoz tossed us our gum holders, and just like that, we were back in our Danger Force attire again.

Brainstorm: "'Danger Force' on three."

We all put our hands in the middle. I make sure his hand is on top of mine.

Brainstorm: "One, two, three..."

The three of us say "Force" while he says "Brainstorm."

Brainstorm: "Force. I...I meant to say 'Force.'"

Yeah, and I've meant to tell you for a long time that I'm practically in love with you.

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