The Thousand Pranks War: Part 2 (Remake)

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(Warning: sexual, swearing)

No One's POV:

In the Man's Nest, after Bose got pranked by Shout-Out, Ray is shaking him to wake him.

Ray: "Live! Live, damn you!"

Chapa: "Dude, he's not dead."

Ray: "You hear that? You're not dead. You're not dead, so live!"

Chapa: "I think you shook him to sleep."

Ray: "Don't you quit on me! You've never quit anything in your life, so DON'T YOU QUIT NOW!"

Chapa: "Just let him fucking finish his nap!"

Ray lets go of Bose and stands up.

Ray: "I will never forgive Mika for what she did to him."

Chapa: "Well, maybe thee shouldn't have cast her out."

Ray: "She took it too far! So I'm gonna take too... farther-er. Schwoz!"

Bose wakes up.

Bose: "Oh, man, I think you shook me to sleep."

Ray: "Sorry, but all of Rivalton is gonna pay for what Mika did to you."

Schwoz walks in.

Schwoz: "Ray, you know I don't like being bothered when I'm eating peanuts from a can."

Bose screams in horror and runs behind Chapa and hugs her. For a moment, she was relaxed in his warm hug, and in fact, without anyone looking, she slowly moved Bose's hands to her chest so that he could feel her boobs, but she quickly snapped out of it so that she didn't make it obvious to everyone.


Bose comes up the tube and tries to not let Ray see him, but he does.

Captain Man: "Hey, there's Bose. Where have you been?"

Bose was actually over at Mika's house, but he knew he couldn't say that, so he tried to come up with a lie.

Bose: "I, uh... went to... the lying store."

Captain Man: "Oh, you mean the place with the mattresses that you can lie down on?"

Bose: "Uh, yep, yep, that's exactly where I was."

Suddenly, he looked over at Chapa, and he began imagining her dressed up as baking soda, due to what Mika had said to him earlier. Chapa sees him staring.

Volt: "Bose... why are you staring at me?"

Bose doesn't answer. He's too focused on Chapa.

Volt: "Bose... helloooo?"

Captain Man: "Bose!"

That snapped him out of it. Suddenly, Ray and Schwoz get into an argument about Big Sudsy, and Bose began staring at Chapa again.

Volt: "You look like you have something to tell me."

Bose: (in head) "I do have something to tell you. I like you. I really like you. It's the reason that I'm staring at you."

Suddenly, Miles teleports into the Man's Nest, and he's wearing dark glasses. When he takes them off, his eyes are swollen shut. Everyone starts freaking out, and Miles wants Ray to take a closer look, but he does not want Miles near him. Bose goes back to staring at Chapa again.

Volt: "So... is there something you wanna tell me or... not?"

Bose: "Uhh..."

Later (again)

Danger Force ended the prank war once and for all. They were all back at the Man's Nest and watching a documentary about the whole thing.

Chapa: "How do they update these documentaries so quickly?"

Bose: "Elves."

Chapa slightly giggles.

Chapa: "No, Bose. Elves can't make documentaries."

Bose: "Oh..."

After the documentary was over, Schwoz reveals that it was him who pranked Ray's hair-care products, a prank Ray thought Mika did (since she was born in Rivalton) and was the reason Mika was kicked out in the first place. Schowz says he did it because he was tired of Ray demonstrating pranks on him.

Ray and Schwoz get into a fight over it, and pretty soon, another documentary (about them) was made.

Miles: "How do they upload these documentaries so quickly?!"

Suddenly, the narrator's voice appears out of nowhere.

Narrator: "Elves."

Everyone Else: "AHH!"

Narrator: "Get rekked, I'm dabbing."

Miles: "Nope..."

Miles teleports out of the Man's Nest. Mika ends up leaving to try and find where her brother could've ended up. It was just Bose and Chapa now.

Bose: "Well, I'm glad this whole prank war is over."

Chapa: "Same, if I had to live through one more day of it, I would've gone fucking insane."

Bose slightly laughs.

Chapa: "What are you laughing at?"

Bose: "Oh, uh... I just think it's cute when you swear."

Chapa: "Oh... is me being cute the reason why you were staring at me earlier?"

Bose: "Uh... well, I... it was... part of the reason."

Chapa: "Bose..."

Chapa gets closer and gently places a hand on the side of Bose's face. She leans in... and kisses him. Bose couldn't believe he was actually getting kissed by Lula Elena Chapa De Silva. The girl he couldn't go one day without thinking about, the only girl he ever wanted, was kissing him.

When she pulled away, he was still surprised.

Chapa: "I like like you, too."

Bose smiles. He reaches out his hand.

Bose: "Girlfriend?"

Chapa takes his hand in hers.

Chapa: "Of course."

Bose gently kisses the top of Chapa's hand, which made her smile and blush a little. They lean in and share another kiss.

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