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A few weeks later,Nighttime,Couple of hours before new year

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A few weeks later,
Couple of hours before new year..

Second Person's POV

"Subaru, hand over the foundation."

"Okay- Ayato, which one is foundation again..?"

"Rei-nii, mascara! Now!"

"I'm trying to find it, Ayato!"

"Subaru, I need the eyeliner!!"


"This is why you can't find a girlfriend."

"Shut up, Ayato! You are not making it any better!"

"Jeez. Rei-nii, give me the blusher."


"Oh, God. You two are really hopeless! How could you not know about makeup in the slightest bit?! This is like, one of the fundamentals to get girls!"

Irk mark appeared on the side of your forehead as your three brothers continuously bickered among them, while you were seated still in front of the vanity table mirror like a doll.

"How the fuck you know about makeup when you are gay?" Subaru sighed, facepalming. Reiji was already sobbing, disappointed with his lack of knowledge about women.

"Well, I always help my girl friends with their makeup on their special days. Oh, I used to play makeup with (Y/n) too back then! Remember that, (Y/n)?" Ayato joyfully turned to you. You nonchalantly answered, "Yes, so can you please finish the makeup already?"

"Oh, shit— We're running out of time!" Ayato hastily returned to his task and worked wonders on your face. The third older brother sat down with you again, brushes and palettes spread out before him. With precision, he selected colors, swatching them on the back of his hand before delicately applying them to your face.

Subaru and Reiji watched from the sidelines, curiosity gleaming in their eyes. They leaned in closer, captivated by the transformation unfolding before them. With each stroke of the brush, they gasped in amazement, marveling at your radiance.

"Okay, open your eyes now, (Y/n)!"

Excitement filled the air as Ayato finished the makeup, urging you to open your eyes. The three brothers, completely stunned, marvelled at your stunning appearance.

Reijj grasped your shoulders, looking at your reflection in the mirror without breaking away at all. "This is...too amazing. You look like a princess."

"Rei-nii, you got it wrong. She's already a princess. Right, Subaru?" Ayato grinned at his twin brother. Subaru tugged a warm smile, nodding  in agreement. "Indeed."

You, captivated by your reflection, gazed at yourself in the mirror with a sense of wonder. Your fingers lightly brushed over your face, tracing the delicate lines where the makeup had been expertly applied. Reiji, Ayato and Subaru exchanged glances, smiling at each other proudly. They were proud of themselves for being able to help you on special occasion like this, when you normally preferred to do everything yourself.

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