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A few days later,At a hospital in Yokohama

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A few days later,
At a hospital in Yokohama..

(Y/n)'s POV

As I pushed open the heavy wardroom door, Misaki's hand clutched mine tightly. The sterile smell of disinfectant mixed with the faint scent of flowers filled the air. Misaki’s eyes lit up when she spotted her father, Akihiko-san, sitting up in bed, his face breaking into a joyful smile.

"Dad!" Misaki shrieked, her voice rang with excitement. She let go of my hand and darted across the room, her footsteps light and quick. Akihiko-san’s eyes sparkled with delight as he opened his arms wide, ready to receive his daughter.

"Misaki." Akihiko-san’s voice was croaky, relieved to finally reunite with his dearest little girl. He wrapped her in a tight hug, his eyes closing as he savored the moment. "I missed you so much, sweetheart."

Misaki buried her face in his chest, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs. "I missed you too, Dad," she confessed, her voice muffled. "I was so worried. I'm glad y-you're awake."

My heart ached at the sight, but I smiled, happy to see their reunion. I glanced around the room, spotting Shion standing by the window. His gaze shifted from his father and sister to me, a soft smile playing on his lips.

"Hey.." Shion greeted, his tone warm and welcoming.

"Hey, Shion," I replied, returning his smile. I walked over to him, holding out a container filled with fruit that I had painstakingly cut into cute animal shapes the night before with Misaki. "I brought some fruit."

Shion's eyes widened in happiness as he took the container from my hands. "Thanks, honey. Dad will surely love this. He loves food in cute animal shapes." A small giggle escaped his mouth.

Shion opened the container, and the vibrant colors of the fruit animals seemed to bring a little more life into the room. Akihiko-san looked over, his eyes crinkling with amusement.

"Did I hear cute animal?" he asked. Misaki pulled back from her father's embrace, her eyes shining. She seemed to hear her brother's praise. She grinned at Akihiko-san and exclaimed proudly, "Aren't they cute? I made some of those!"

Akihiko-san laughed, the sound rich and full. "They certainly are, Misaki. Thank you, both of you. This is wonderful."

"(Y/n)-nee taught me how to cut those fruits into cute animals!"

"She did? You must have done a great job under her guidance." Akihiko-san patted his daughter's head. Misaki nodded earnestly, then turned her attention back to me. "I did great! Right, (Y/n)-nee?"

"Mhm, you are one of my best students." I gave Misaki a thumb-up and a toothy grin. Misaki rushed to my side and surprised me with a bear hug. I simply smiled before ruffling her hair.

I felt a warm glow of satisfaction at their reactions. "I'm glad you like them, Akihiko-san" I said softly. "I hope you enjoy eating them."

"Oh, I definitely will." Akihiko-san chuckled. Shion handed over the container to his father. Misaki speared a ripe strawberry, its red hue vibrant against the silver fruit fork. Leaning slightly towards her father, she brought the fruit to his lips. He accepted it with a glint of contentment in his eyes, savoring the delectable taste.

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