52. 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬

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Author's POV

After playing with colours for hours, they finally decided to call it a day.

What started as throwing colours at each other became a game of chase and then turned into hide and seek.

Parul thoroughly enjoyed playing Holi with him. It was like, he was a kid.

Their white dress was drenched in different colours. They looked happy. Especially Shiva. He loved spending every moment with her. Her presence was enough to make any moment, special.

By late evening, they were famished.

So they decided to clean up. But Shiva insisted that they clean up together. Parul wasn't okay with the idea but Shiva had promised her that he wouldn't do anything inappropriate.

Having no other choice, she agreed.

She was standing under the shower but it wasn't turned on. Shiva had left her in the bathroom to get an extra towel for her.

Parul looked at the door, it must've been more than a minute. She giggled, taking careful steps towards the door.

Grabbing the door handle, she gently closed it, careful enough not to make any noise. The door was about to shut but a pair of strong hands stopped it from closing fully.

As soon as she saw Shiva, she left the handle and stood there as if she was inspecting something.

" Typical Fianna" he pushed open the door and walked inside with a brown towel.

" What? I was checking the knob. It's really cute" she looked at the door knob and then at Shiva.

Shiva caught her lie. He thought she looked cute, trying to cover up her silly antics.

" You are cute, Fia" Shiva said after looking at her intensely.

The colours on her face failed to hide the blush creeping up her cheeks.

Her lips formed into a small pout. Shiva inhaled sharply and proceeded to unbutton his shirt.

Parul stood there, struck, watching his toned body coming into her view. Without any care, he removed his shirt, unbuttoned his pants, and pulled it down.

Her eyes widened as he carelessly removed his dress.

Shiva saw her shocked expression. He knew why she was giving him that look but didn't bother to ask her about anything.

" Hey! I'm here!!" Parul snapped out of the trance and waved her hands, throwing him a sarcastic smile.

He stopped pulling the boxers and looked at her, arching his brows.

" Oh hai, ma'am? Are you going to strip yourself or should I strip you myself?" he asked, a sarcastic smile dancing on his lips.

Parul shook her head in a curt no. As if that would stop him from doing whatever he wanted to do.

Ignoring her no, he pulled his boxers down and walked closer to her.

Parul hadn't seen him completely naked. As soon as he pulled his boxers down, she closed her eyes, gasping softly.

Shiva chuckled under his breath before pulling her hands from her eyes.

She had closed her eyes, shut.

" Open your eyes, Paaru" he whispered in her face.

Parul shook her head meekly.

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