Draco Malfoy

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I couldn't bear to see the girl I always wanted to be close with, the person I always had a rivalry.

He always tried to touch her or put his arm around her, which drove me crazy. How can a Slytherin, hang around with a Gryffindor, a little shit who enjoys bullying everyone who doesn't belong to Gryffindor?

I guess me, Draco Malfoy, was never good enough for her to notice me. We attended the same parties, and we had the same friends, but we barely interacted.

After graduation, most of my friends went abroad, and later I got this teaching position at Hogwarts, now I am the new Potions Professor.

A few months later, after I was settled in, a knock on my office came.

—Please come in—. I said, while I was grading some papers.

—Professor Malfoy?—. A sweet and calm voice called me.

—Yes, please come closer—. I saw a feminine figure coming closer, she was not wearing a school uniform. It was her, the very same girl I have always been in love with.

—Stephanie?—. I asked, a bit shocked after seeing her entering the classroom.

—Hello, Dray. It has been a while since we last saw each other—. I was screaming inside, she was there in front of me. Looking more beautiful than the last time I saw her.

—What do I owe the pleasure? Please have a seat—. I was trying to keep a calm and relaxed voice while trying to look unbothered by her presence.

—Thank you, Dray. It feels weird to be here after all these years—. She responded, and I tried not to get lost in her eyes, but it was difficult.

—You tell me? Now I am the Potions Professor—. I said while I chuckled.

—Congratulations, you have always been wonderful in that field—. She smiled at me and shook my hand.

—Thank you, Steph, that means a lot— I could feel my cheeks burning a bit. —So, what can I do for you?

—You see, my nephew he will be transferred to Hogwarts and my brother wanted me to make sure, he won't fall behind.

—I see, I received a letter from the Headmistress regarding a new student. But, if he is your nephew, I don't think he will fail my class, after all, you were pretty good in that subject.

—Thank you, Dray. You see, he always had difficulties with this particular subject. If you can, give him extra assignments, and send him homework when the break comes. He will be staying at my house, so I can help him.

—Steph, don't worry. I always make sure my students are doing well in class, I promise you I will help him.

—Thank you, Dray. I mean, Professor Malfoy—. She blushed a little and looked to the other side of the office.

—I prefer if you call me Dray. At least when we are alone—. I was trying to be subtle, but I failed miserably.

—Alone?— She lingers too much on that word. —So, when we could be alone again, Dray?

—I would say that whenever you feel like it—. I gasped when she said that, but I needed it to act calm and not bother.

—Whenever I feel like it?— She was teasing me so much, if I could, I would kiss her right now.

—Yes, just name the time and place and I will be there—. It was an impulse, I don't know what made me say that.

—I like the sound of that, Dray. How about tomorrow night in my cottage, near Aranshire?

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