Draco Malfoy

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I was on a solo trip in Austria, so I decided I would visit the Belvedere Museum. I wanted to see Gustav Klimt's art.

I was wandering around, engrossed in the paintings and paying attention to the audio guide when suddenly I bumped into someone.

—I apologise, I was so distracted that I didn't see you there.— I said.

—Be careful, Steph, this time it was me. The next time could be a stranger.— He replied with a light chuckle.

—Dray, what are you doing here? I thought you were in Canada.

—It's good to see you, Steph. I was supposed to be there, but I got tired of being there all alone.

—I'm so sorry to hear that, Dray. It must be hard for you, being away from your family for so long.

—It is, you have no idea. However, I was missing my friends, but all of them seemed to be busy.—How's your brother?— He asked, glancing at one of the paintings.

—Theo? He's fine, he's in Italy working for Tom.— I replied, looking at the same painting.

—What about Black?— He asked, curious about his cousin.

—You don't know? He's your cousin, he's currently working as an Auror.

—And what about Mattheo?

—He has his own shady business in Knockturn Alley, and he and Tom have a cordial relationship.

—Seems everyone is doing fine. How about you? What are you doing here?

—Running away!— I responded with a chuckle.

—From whom?— He asked, his expression curious.

—From Pucey. —I said as if it were no big deal.

—What? Why?— Draco asked, clearly concerned. 

—You'll think I'm a coward, but he asked me to marry him, and I did something stupid. I left him there, on one knee, apparated home, took my passport, and went straight to the airport. I haven't turned on my phone since then.  Not only that, but I know I'm the worst, but the truth is I don't love him like I used to when we were students. He was never at home, never wanted to help around the flat, and just wanted to live his life like he was still in his early twenties.

—We're all in our early thirties now; we should want different things. How could he want to settle down with me when he doesn't care about me or having a proper home?

—Oh, love, I'm so sorry. I had no idea. —He said, holding me in his arms. I hugged him back as he caressed my back and whispered comforting words in my ear.

—How long have you been here?—He asked, concerned.

—In Vienna?— I said to him, while we started to walk around the museum. 

—Yes, princess.— Draco said while giving me a smile.

—Almost three months.— I said, scratching my head.

—What? Does your brother know you're here?— Draco said, wanting to know if my brother knew of my whereabouts.

—He does. I sent him an owl; he's furious with Pucey. He thinks he was a complete arsehole. And he told Tom about it; Tom wanted to hex him. —He couldn't believe it when Theo told him.

—Well, he always treated you like a sister.

—I was so tired of being in a loveless relationship. At least from my end, I wasn't feeling the same. But I'm better now; I mourned my relationship long ago.

—Princess, how about if I take care of you?— He said, caressing my face. —I can take you to the opera, and we could have a nice dinner since we're in Vienna.

—I would love that very much— I said, kissing his cheek.

—Let me take you home, and I'll come back for you at seven.

—I would be glad to go out with you.

As he said, he arrived on time with a beautiful bouquet of orchids. We left for the restaurant and had a delightful and enjoyable dinner.

The night was simply perfect; a pleasant winter evening in Vienna, and the opera was absolutely delightful. We laughed and cried during the sad parts of the performance.

We took a leisurely stroll around the park, and later he took me back home. I invited him in for a cup of tea.

—Princess, I had a lovely time tonight, and I know this might be sudden, but I would like to have another date with you. I want to see if maybe, just perhaps...—He trailed off, sweating a little.

—Yes, Dray?— I said with a smile.

—What I'm trying to say is, would you be interested in dating me and seeing where this could lead?

—I would certainly say yes to that.— He stood from his chair and kissed me with so much passion and tenderness. I felt a whirlwind of emotions, feelings I hadn't experienced in years.

After a few months, Dray and I became an official couple, and we decided to stay in Vienna. I sent a letter to Adrian explaining how I was feeling and why I disappeared. He responded, saying that he did understand and felt bad that he never noticed the signs.

My new life was looking promising with a man who could express his emotions and listen to what I had to say. I felt loved again, and I was in love once more, but this time the love felt different; it felt right. Draco Malfoy was now my best friend, my companion, and the man I loved.

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