Tom Riddle

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Five years, five years since I graduated from Hogwarts. I have been working hard at Borgins and Burkes.

One step closer to my goal, and then I could quit this dull job, and finally take over the Magical World.

How may be doing my former classmates? I haven't heard from many of them, apart from my knights.

One evening after closing the shop, I decided to walk home, on the way I found a nice and cosy coffee shop. I did not know when this place opened, I normally don't walk around this area.

I decided to enter, have something to eat and grab a cup of tea. The place was looking very pleasant, a place that invites people to have a seat. I took a seat and instantly a lovely lady came to take my order. 

—Good evening sir. Welcome to the Jar of biscuits, I am Ivana. How may I assist you tonight?

—Ivana? Is that you?— It was her, my former classmate, the most kind person I ever met at school.

—Oh, hi Tom, I haven't seen you in a long time.— She gave me a smile a poured some tea in a cup.

—Hello, Ivana. Are you doing alright?— I asked while grabbing the cup.

—I have been excellent, thank you for asking, Tom 

—Do you work here?— I asked with curiosity.

—Actually, the place is mine. I opened 2 years ago.

—I never imagined you as a café owner.— I said with a chuckle.

—Well, how did you imagine me?— She said, arching a brow.

—I imagined you as an Auror, or a worker at the ministry.

—I never enjoy being told what to do, and most of my spare time I spent in the kitchens and on or school breaks I worked part-time in Madam Pudifoots tea shop.

—Well, I am glad to hear you are doing what you love. 

—How about you, Tom?— She said with a smile.

—I have been working at Borgin and Burkes for five years now, but I have been feeling an urge to leave and do something else. 

—If I were you, I will leave that job and do whatever you like, it does not matter if it's selling herbs and potions, as a long as you are happy.

—You might be right, Ivana.— I said with a smile.

—Whatever you order, it's on the house. 

—I could never.— I said while looking at her.

—Please, Tom, think about this like if you are a critique after all, you have always been excellent at giving your opinion.

She prepared a nice dinner, and poured more tea. We had a pleasant evening, talking about our dreams, and hopes. I haven't felt that comfortable in years, or ever. She was kind, sweet, and understanding.

After that night, I was still going back to visit her, every evening. And one night I finally resigned from my job, the object I was looking for was finally in my hands, my muggle father had passed away, and I was the sole heir. 

I bought a charming bouquet of red roses and a box of chocolates. I walked around Diagon Alley, until I reached her delightful shop. 

She was already cleaning some tables and seemed to be ready to go. I entered, trying not to make any noise, and covered her eyes with my hand.

She tensed up, so I put the flowers in front of her and removed my hand. 

—Oh, Merlin. Tom, these roses are beautiful. Thank you.— She turned around and kissed my cheek. 

—Would you like to go with me and have dinner?— There is a nice restaurant that I booked a few days ago, and I wanted to go with you.

—I would love nothing more, Tommy.— Let me close the shop and we can leave.

My life was looking promising. I found what I was looking for, and I was ready to conquer the world and, of course, the heart of the girl I like,

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This is a short story requested by my friend Ivana. I hope you enjoy it.

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