Tom Riddle

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I have seen you walking through the door countless times, but this time it feels different. You are carrying a suitcase, it seems heavy. Perhaps are you carrying my heart in it? 

How did we end up saying goodbye? When we swear to stay together in this life and the next one. My heart is broken in so many pieces, I am trying not to cry, so don't see me sad. 

After all, you always told me I was strong enough, if I was able to overcome some hardships in my youth, I could overcome this. 

After you left the house, I collapsed on the door step, wondering what when wrong, asking myself when all this started.

We had so many happy memories, and now my heart aches because you left. We have so many plans for the future, and now all seems like a distant memory.

I am here crying like I haven't done it before, screaming your name, and sobbing unconsolably. I should have noticed something was wrong. When you kept postponing asking me to marry you, after one time you told me you wanted to do it. 

I guess I just ignored that because I was afraid of loosing you. And we keep up with our lives, sharing a home, and a bed. 

Later, I told you I was not ready to be a mother, I saw your disappointing face. But you showed me a smile, and said that whatever I wish for, you will support me in my decision. 

I guess we could have been honest to each other in those instances, but we lie to each other. Maybe because we were used to each other? Did we still love each other? 

Night after night I saw you leaving our home to meet your Knights, while I was all alone at home, thinking if you were safe, if you were happy doing what you love.

How could I be so blind? We were together after all that because we were friends, no lovers. Now I understand that we had to move on long ago. 

I am so thankful because some of my happiest memories are with you, but we both have to move on. 

I hope that you find your happiness, and you can continue with your dreams. But for now, each other dreams lie in somewhere else. 

I will always cherish you as my first many things, and I hope you remember me with a smile. Because what we had was beautiful, until our hearts grew apart.

I will leave the house and the letters I once gave you, if perhaps you decide to come back again, I hope you can see them and keep them like a memento of what once was true love.

My new life will be full of uncertainty and I don't have you any more, guess that's part of starting anew after ending a relationship of so many years.

I hope you can be happy and love again, someone that can give you what your heart desires.

Farewell, my love, please be happy and don't worry about me, I will be fine, I promise. 

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