Theodore Nott

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I was having a nice breakfast with my best friend Theo, in our quiet and lovely safe house.

Leave something for me, Theo. I scoffed.

—You have already a lot in your plate.— He said while grabbing some bacon.

—I need a favour, Steph.— He said while looking at me with puppy eyes. 

—What is it? You still owe me from last time.— I said while rolling my eyes.

—Well, you'll see I have to retrieve something from the Knockturn Alley, more specifically from Jae Kim. And as you know, my face is quite known in the Alley, so I wondered if you could go and retrieve what I require. 

—So, you want me to go to the Alley and get you some things from Jae?— I said while grabbing my glass of water. 

—I do, Bella—  He said while putting some bacon on my plate. 

—What would you give me in return?— I asked while taking the bacon.

—My thanks are not good enough?— He said with a chuckle. 

—Clearly isn't, you are sending me to go to the alley because you know I am capable enough of getting what you need, but there are eyes everywhere. 

He kissed my temple and made a shy smile.— Fine, I will go, but you better give me something nice in return. I said while getting up from the table.

—I will, I promise Cara Mia.— He said while getting up and hugging me from behind. 

—Do I have to pay anything to Jae?— I asked while turning around, I was not convinced that clearly and our lips were a few inches apart.

—Yes, take this, he will surely go easy on the price since he has been telling me how pretty you are.—  He said, trying to keep his cool.

—Oh, really? Guess I could kiss Jae, or something else, and he could give a higher discount.— I said with a laugh. I will get ready and go to the alley, better have something for me when I get back. 

—You will not kiss him.— He said firmly.

—Why not?— He is quite handsome, and a few years older, you know that I like that.

—No, you don't, now go get ready.— He said while guiding me to the shower. 

I got ready and apparate at the Alley, I made my way until I reached a door with a sign "The things you desire, you should get." I said that out loud, and suddenly, I was inside the place without knocking or touching anything.

—Steph, mate, how nice of you to come by. Please have a seat. Care for some tea?— Jae asked while guiding me to the sofa.

—It is good to see you, Jae. Yes, please. — I said while smiling at him.

—Here you go, so Theo sent you? How gentleman, sending you instead of coming to him.— He said with a light chuckle.

—Please, Jae, you know I am the right person for the job.— I said with a playful smile.

—That you are, so let's get to business. — He called a few of his men, and four cages with Matagots appeared.

—What the heck? I have to smuggle Matagots from the Knockturn Alley?— Theo is a dead man.

—How much is it, Jae?— I asked, clearly annoyed.

—What do you mean? I have to pay you, to help me with this problem. One of my men decided that it was a good idea to smuggled creatures, and you know me better I don't do that, I care for them.

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