Regulus Black

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I have been dating Sirius for almost 3 months, thought I have to say we were not official or exclusive. 

He is always busy, and disappears at night with Lupin when we have plans. I have been trying so hard to ignore what people say about us, that I am just with him for his family name, that he is simply with me to have some fun. 

I swear I have been really doing my best, but I am growing tired, he just takes me to parties or family events and displays me like a trophy.  I have endured his parents, cousins, and the Marauders insults. 

How long can love last? When you have been treated so poorly, I have tried several times to end whatever it is we have, but I am weak. Every time I want to leave him, he comes to me and treats me with kindness, and then it is the same all over again. 

I feel like I am drowning, all alone, and un love. Why is it so difficult to love someone? Love shouldn't be hard. It should be easy, should be a joy, but with Sirius, everything it's painful, screams and objects flying around the room. 

One night I was so tired of being in bed all day crying, that I just changed my clothes and went to the loneliest part of the castle, where no one will ever find me. 

I sat on a dusty bench and started to cry again, how can I be so miserable, why can he just let me go? He doesn't love me, his parents don't approve our relationship, his friends think I am not good enough for him. 

I lay on the cold floor and cried like I hadn't cried in ages, after all, I was completely alone. But I have a lump in my throat.

—Stephanie? Are you okay?— Regulus ran to my side and held me in his arms. 

—It is okay, love, I am here—. He was caressing my head and telling me that everything will be alright. —What happened to you? It was Sirius?— He said with a slight change in his tone. 

—Yes, Reggie.— I was just able to say that. 

—What did he do to you this time?— He said, clenching his fists. 

—He... —I said, trying not to cry any more. —He was with another girl, and all his friends came to mock me, I hate your brother, he can simply let me go, he enjoys making me suffer. 

—That bastard, how could he do that to you? You are so kind and sweet, you should be treated with love and not like that.

—Don't worry, Steph, I will take care of everything, I promise.— He kissed my head and carried me to our common room. —Do you want me to carry you to your dorm? He asked while smiling at me. 

—I... I, I— said to him, barely able to talk. 

—Yes? Tell me, love.— He said with so much patience. 

—I would rather not be alone.— I said, trying to cover my face. 

—Nothing simpler, let's go to my dorm, you can stay with me. And I promise everything will be alright in the morning. 

While he was carrying me to his dorm, a group of Slytherin's, were making jokes about us. Regulus, looked at them and they went silent.  He carried me to his dorm, where he gently lay me on his bed. He gave one of his shirts and gave me privacy to change my clothes. 

A while later, he came back. —Are you feeling better, Steph?— He asked, smiling at me.

—More or less, I guess. May I ask you something? 

—Yes, of course.— He said while approaching me. 

—Would you mind laying down here with me?— I was already regretting the question I did, but I would rather not be alone. 

His cheeks were clearly pink, but he just removed his shirt and lay next to me. We talked for hours until I fell asleep. How can my brother treat her so poorly, since I met here she has been nothing but a sweetheart, she is always making sure all her friends are doing alright? I bet she must be the most kind and perfect girlfriend one can wish ever for. But Sirius is an ass, he has not even asked her to be her girlfriend, mum, and dad treat her poorly because Sirius has been telling them countless lies about her. 

Instinctively, I started caressing her hair, I had an urge to protect her. I didn't care if I had to confront my brother and my parents. She will not suffer because of a Black any more, I will make sure of that. 

The morning came, and she was laying next to me, I was holding her very close. She was already awake but seems she did not mind my touch.

—Morning Reggie.— She said with a lovely smile. 

—Good morning, Steph. Are you feeling much better?— I asked, trying to look not bothered by the fact that my naked torso was touching her. 

—I am feeling much better, Reggie. Thank you, you are the sweetest.— She says while hugging me tightly. 

—I am glad to hear that you are much better. Would you like to have breakfast with me in Hogsmeade? 

—That sounds lovely, Reggie.— She said, getting on her feet and taking her clothes.

—Why don't you go and prepare?  I will be there in 20 minutes. —While getting up, I forgot that my torso was exposed. I immediately tried to cover with the blanket. Her face went immediately red and left the room. 

I put on some nice clothes, combed my hair and went straight to her bedroom. And there she was ready, looking like a vision. 

—Hey Reggie, are you ready?— She asked.

—I am, love, let us go.— I noticed that there is a festival in Hogsmeade, we should go after breakfast. 

—Sounds great, thank you.— I offered her my arm, and we walked to Madam Puddifoot's place.

On the way to Hogsmeade, we met Sirius and his friends, they were coming out of the forest. 

—My dear, seems you don't waste any time. But did you really have to fuck my brother?— Sirius said with spite. 

—Brother, please, leave her be.— Regulus said while looking at his brother. 

—Or what? She might be feeling all mighty because you feel sorry for her, but I am sure she will come back with me. 

Regulus, couldn't stand the way his brother was talking about me. He punched his brother straight in the face. —Shut up Sirius, for once, shut your mouth.

Sirius stood up and cleaned his bloody mouth, he smiled and said. You have always envied of what I have, and it seems this time it is not an exception. —Have fun with her, after all she is not worthy just like you dear brother.  

I could not stand this any more, Regulus has been so kind to me and I have forgotten that he also suffers because of his brother.  I took my wand out and said "Flipendo". Sirius went flying and fell on his back, instantly his friends went to his side. 

—Let's go, Reggie, we have plans after all.— I said, taking his hand. 

—You are right, Steph, let's go.— He laced his fingers with mine and walked to Hogsmeade hand in hand. 

After our certainly not secret escaped to Hogsmeade, rumours flew around the castle, The Blacks found out the truth about how poorly Sirius treated me. Furthermore, he was obliged to see me more often, since Regulus and I were now an official couple. 

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