Tom Riddle

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Seems like Merlin likes to play, with people's hearts. I had fallen in love with the man I shouldn't have.

I am trying so hard... but it is so difficult. My reason is telling me stop loving him, you know he is not good for you, while my heart is screaming at me saying to forget about everything else.

Have you ever felt like whatever decision you take, someone will end up with a broken heart or feeling disappointed?

I want to curse him, scream at him, tell him, how he dare steal my heart. How, please, someone tell me, how can you fall in love with a man who does not have a heart?

Everyone is always saying how heartless he is, that he is a monster, not a human, that he is too narcissistic. He enjoys attention, but he will never give an ounce of his attention.

How can they express about him in that way? He is not like that, I have seen a side no one else has.

I have seen him in his most vulnerable state, I have seen him cry because he is tired of people looking down at him and saying he is a heartless monster.

I have seeing him laugh, and by the gods, that laugh could make anyone having a bad day feel joyful.

I assure you that man, can be plenty of things as you say, and perhaps he does not love me, but he has a heart.

I have been questioning myself lately, my heart is saying that I must confess my feelings. But again the reason is telling me I should not.

The sleepless nights I have been with him, the secrets he has shared with me, I treasure each one of them.  I don't care I will never be brave enough to confess my feelings towards him, but at least I will have those memories. 

Every time I have tried to talk to you about I feel numb, I feel terrified to open my heart, and you will simply disappear from my life. 

Why is it so challenging to love someone? Why is so difficult to confess your feelings, why is to pretend you don't love him? 

Would it be easier if I wrote him a letter? Would it be easier if I disappeared from his life?

I can remember how many attempts I have made to write him a letter confessing my feelings. In my mind, a letter will be simple, easier, if he does not reciprocate those feeling the rejection will be easier to bear if he replies a letter.

What a laugh must be having Merlin, watching me singing around the castle thinking about that man,

I curse you Tom Riddle, I curse you because you did not stop me from falling in love with you. And I curse myself for being a coward, I should simply confess my feelings to you and if you reject me, I could continue with my life, and I would not have to leave with what if?

As I finish writing this, knowing perfectly that no one will ever read this, I remove my tears from my cheeks, and try to compose myself, I don't want anyone to know I have been crying.

As I stood up from the floor, I walked towards the castle. I was not paying attention since I was crying uncontrollably, and I stumbled with someone, throwing down all my papers.

Without looking at the person, I simply provide a vague apology and tried to pick up my notes.

This person, immediately tried to help to pick up my notes, I was avoiding his gaze.

—Why are you crying?— I knew that voice, how many times I have heard it? 

—Oh, it is nothing.— I responded once more, avoiding his gaze.

—Look at me!— He said while taking me by my chin. —Why are you crying?— He asked once more.

I tried so hard to respond, but words did not come out.

He grabbed the papers, while I was trying to make sure he did not read them, he stood up and since he was taller, I could not take the papers back. I could see the shock on his face. I was ready to hear his rejection.

But, he simply took a deep breath and held me in his arms. I started to sob, uncontrollably.

—Shh, doll, please don't cry.— He said while caressing my head. —Why did you not talk to me sooner?— He asked.

—I... I was afraid you wouldn't feel the same and that I will lose you forever.

—Oh, doll. How wrong are you. I have been in love with you for a long time, but I must say I am a coward when it is about love. I can control a basilisk, but I can't control my heart.

—I spent months trying to understand my feelings, after all, I have never experienced what is love. I just wanted to make sure how to deal with my feelings, but then again I am a coward, I have been unable to confess my feelings.

—Will you forgive me? I can bear to see you crying, it breaks my heart. I promise you I would never hide anything from you again. I promise you I will never leave your side. I Tom Marvolo Riddle vow to always love you, respect you and cherish you.

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