Tom Riddle

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It was late at night, I was exhausted after a long day at work. Being the expert in the Department of International Cooperation can be quite demanding. I speak several languages that make an efficient work environment. 

I came home and went straight to my back garden, I have a shower outdoors that I use especially on nights of the full moon.

With a swift movement of my wand, I removed my clothes and entered the shower. It was so peaceful, the sound of some owls and other nocturnal animals.

It is so good to feel the water running down my body, like if is taken away all the stress and fatigue of the day.

I wish my job would be easier, it is difficult to pretend to the Ministry that I am a loyal and honest employee. The truth is I am undercover, being in the Department of international Cooperation, it is a good place to recruit new followers for the Dark Lord.

People at this point in my life think I have cut ties with Tom, Theo, Draco and the others. But I never did, I bear the mark of Tom with pride.

He was kind enough to put his trust in me and place me in the Ministry. I love my job, but I don't have a life besides outside work, I just assist at Knights meetings, occasionally, a birthday party for my friends and that's it. 

But Tom wants me to be in the shadows, to make people see me as a boring person after I graduate from Hogwarts. At Hogwarts I was known for being more charismatic, a party lover. 

I almost forgot that I had to tell him that the Ministry of Magic in Brazil asked me to have dinner with him. I am afraid he will not be, please. 

Why shouldn't I? Tom appeared in front of the shower and said with a smirk.

Fuck, Tom. I almost had a heart attack. 

—Doll, What did I tell you about having showers in the garden?— He said while grabbing a towel.

—I know what you said, but I was tired and stressed.— I said while taking the towel from his hands.

—What happened at work?— He asked with concerned.

—One of my dumb subordinates almost got the treaty cancelled with The Ministry of Magic in Brazil. 

—Did you fix it?— He asked while helping me dry my hair with a towel.

—I did... But.— I said, biting my lip.

—What is it, Doll?— He said, arching a brow. 

—The minister agreed to reconsider if I have dinner with him tomorrow in his penthouse.— I averted Toms eyes. 

—WHAT? Absolutely not. I know that man, I have studied his profile and what he wants is to fuck you.

—Tom, you know I will not allow that to happen.— I said while kissing his cheek.

—You will not see him. If you dare to see him, he will be killed, and you'll have a bigger problem than a stupid treaty. 

—Are you jealous?— I tease him a bit. 

—Of course not, why would I?— He does not have anything that you can find attractive.

—No, of course not, Tom. 

—Wait, I know that tone. Do you find him attractive?

—Well, I...

—Tell me, or I will have to read your mind. 

—Fine, yes I do, he was a fine quidditch player in Castelobruxo.

—Yes?— He was clearly pissed. 

—What?— I asked.

—Did you have anything with him when you were a student at Castelobruxo? 

—Yes, Tom. He and I dated for over a year.— I said, avoiding his gaze.

—And you never intended to tell me?— He grabbed me by the towel and the towel fell on the grass.

—I did, in one of our truth or dare games.— I said, looking at him.

—Well, I don't remember. How am I supposed to compete against a former quidditch player and now a minister?— He said with anger in his eyes.

—What are you talking about?— I said while caressing his face.

—I mean, I am an orphan, no a galleon to my name until a year ago. I still have to do many things before achieving my goals. But him, a fucking minister, probably with an accent that will drive you mad and money to spend on you and treat you like a queen.

—Tom, shut up. I kissed him and ripped his shirt off.— He took me in his arms and placed me in a chair by the pool.

—I will teach you who is better.— He said while turning me around and slapping my butt cheeks a couple of times. He bit them a little and once more turned me around. 

He covered my eyes with his tie, and said silencio. I will make you beg for more. He put some saliva in his fingers and started with rapid movements. I did not have an opportunity to process what was happening. He quickly changed his fingers for his tongue, rapid and teasingly moves were performed.

I was in awe, I have never been able to resist his head between my legs, I did not mind which one of the two he had, as a long I was full of pleasure.

—Moan for me, love, you drive me crazy. I hate that other men think they can have you when you are clearly mine.

—Tom, stop talking and put your dick inside me.— I screamed.

—Demanding and needy, that how I like you.

He put his trousers down and proceeded to put his dick inside me. He removed the blindfold. I want to see your excited face, we are not in need of that blindfold any more.

He kept a steady pace. Oh, doll. —You feel so thigh, so good in my dick. I love the little shivers you are having, that drives me nuts.

He pushed and pushed until our bodies succumbed to pleasure. He collapsed over me and kissed me.

—Doll, you drive me mad. I swear, how can others think they can have you.

—Tom, I need to tell you something.

—What is it?— He said, while trying to recover after the sex.

—The minister is married—. I said with a chuckle.

—What? How?— I haven't been informed.

—That's because not many now.

—And how do you know? 

—Because we are friends, the assignment I was sent to do in Brazil last year was his weeding, he did try to made the invite seem like a business meeting. He got married to a popular quidditch player in South America.

—Why didn't you tell me? 

—Because that doesn't concern you. It's my friend's private life.

—Fair enough. But then you enjoy making me jealous?— He scoffed.

—I have to say, it's funny.— I said with a chuckle.

—Let us get back inside, we could catch a cold here.— Tom said while getting on his feet and taking me in his arms.

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