Tom Riddle

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Why should I have to this stupid project about Magical Creatures with her? Of all the student, she had to be the one Kettleburn assign to me. She is insufferable everyone is always saying how can is she, and my stupid friends want to ask her out, honestly it is unclear to me why she is not that special.

She's just average, I hope she arrives on time to the Dark Forest because I will not tolerate tardiness. I will go straight to Kettleburn and tell him that she is an irresponsible student, I don't care if she fails.

I walked until I reached the forest, to be honest, I don't understand why the professor would send us to make a study on the chimera.

To my surprise, there she was, and she was prepared with the adequate clothes and boots.

—Good morning, Tom. Care for a cup of coffee?— She said with a slight smile.

—Why did you bring coffee to the forest?— I rolled my eyes and took the cup.

—Well, it is five in the morning, I thought that if we will have to do the study this early coffee will be adequate.

«Seems she is not that incompetent, after all. That doesn't change what I think about her.»

—Have you seen anything yet?— I asked while sipping my cup.

—I saw some tracks, it seems the chimera has gone to the shore of the river.

—Perfect, that will save me time to do all the jobs like always.

—Don't worry about it, I am going to help you do this assignment, I don't like people doing stuff for me, I am capable enough of doing things alone but since it's a group assignment.

—I will have to see that to believe you, now let's get to work, I have things to do and being at the forest at this early hour was not on my list.

She led the way and started to walk faster and faster until I lost her. Great now what will I do if something happens to this Diricawl brain people will think it was me? I was getting tired of walking, I certainly did not bring the correct shoes for this. 

I saw the chimera drinking water from the river, I took my wand and made a parchment and quill appear and made them write my observations about the creature. I was to focus on the creature that I did not hear, someone stepping on some branches.

—Boo!— She said out loud.

I turned around and screamed, I think I have never screamed like that before. She started to laugh, I was mad as hell, how could she if she doesn't keep her mouth shout I will take care of her.

When suddenly the chimera appeared in front of her, I thought it will eat her. Serves her right, she scared me after all. The chimera came in front of her and was in a defensive move.

—Easy there, Hades, it's okay he is my friend.— She was talking and petting the chimera? What was happening?

—What is this, Stephanie? Speak!

—Oh, Hades? He is my friend, I have been taking care of him for almost 3 years now.

—Why didn't you tell me sooner? That will have solved this stupid project.

—Because the professor told me that you should do this work without any help. According to him, you are doing good in his class, but he sees you don't like the creatures much.

—I will hex Kettleburn, I almost had a heart attack.— I said while combing my hair with my hand.

—I am sorry, but you are always so Stoic, and I know what you think about me, Tom. Moreover, I know you well, so I wanted to get back at you, I haven't done anything to you until now.

—Don't ever underestimate me just because I am nice to people, I can be pretty mean if I have to.

—You are insane, Camp, how could you? I said trying to keep my cold.

—You need to relax at times Tom, and don't worry this secret will be between, you, Hades, and me.

—I can't believe it, you made me a prank, no one has ever dared to do so. I am impress, Stephanie.

—Coming that from you, that's the best compliment I ever had. Come let me make it for you, I actually prepared a delightful breakfast, we could eat next to the river, and we could have time to see Hades, and then bring the assignment to the professor.

I was mad, but the truth is I was amused by her. She has guts and, of course, she is cunning. And she can control a chimera? I think I might be taking an interest in this Diricawl brain girl. She could be one of my knights, the first female of the group.

She actually isn't a bad cook, she made a pleasant breakfast and while we were eating she explained to me how she met the chimera, and told me about the chimera, so we could bring the report.

A while has passed, Tom and I kept meting in the Dark Forest constantly, he wanted to know how I was able to control Magical Creatures.

We formed some kind of friendship, he was more nice and respectful towards me, he even sat next to me in class.

One day in the forest we were sitting next to the river and I decided to tease him, he knew that in the forest I was protected, so he always kept his cool.

I stood up, and I was at the edge of the river and I pretended I had lost my foot, he rushed to my side and tried to catch me but we both fell into the water.

—Stephanie, what the hell? Are you alright?— He was looking distressed.

—Tom, are you okay? I am so sorry. I was actually scare since we both felt on the water.

—You are so dumb at times, why are we even friends?— He said with a stern look.

—Friends?— I asked with a mischievous laugh.

—Forget about anything I said. —He said while trying to comb his hair.

He noticed how her figure was showing under my wet clothes. Her body is not that bad, it is the uniform that doesn't suit her. I was like an idiot looking at his wet shirt. I could feel how my face was getting red.

—Like what you see, doll?— He said while licking his lips.

He took me in my arms and kissed me deeply, his hands roamed around my body. I wanted more than just a kiss.— Doll? He asked, after all I am a gentleman.

—Let's do it, Tom, I am ready.— I said, feeling an urge between my legs.

He removed my clothes and his and placed them out of the water. He left a trail of hungry kisses. Doll, if we do this, you will be mine. No one else is allowed to touch you or look at you, you will be mine and only mine.

—I agree with that, Tom. He instantly inserted his cock inside me, he fucked me like he meant it. He kept pushing and pushing, while cursing under his breath.

—Doll, you feel so tight, I love it. I make me feral, feeling you in my hard cock like that.

—I always thought you were insufferable, but I get to know you better, he then took my breast in my mouth and started to suck them. Not only that, but I held him tightly, and started to suck his neck, leaving a trail of hickeys.

After an unusual encounter, we returned to the castle. And of course, Tom made sure everyone knew about us, he was leaving his neck exposed, so girls could see that he was taken.

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