Theodore Nott

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I was tired of giving my heart, my love, and my time to people that don't deserve it. 

Every broke up was the same, me crying and begging them to stay, they simply leave me there alone, and broken. 

Perhaps I was too difficult to love, to care for. Seems I will never have that answer because they simply never want to talk about it.

I was afraid to give my heart once more, and that once more someone will break it. Once we were at a Slughorn club meeting, I was speaking with a few of my old friends, having a nice time recalling our stories from our teenage years. 

The Professor called us. —Do you remember our Amortentia lesson?— He said, with a warm smile.

—We do, Professor.— Everyone said at the same time.

—Very well, I have an especial assignment, do you still remember who did you smell in your Amortentia?  

Everyone looked at each other, some laughed, other cheeks were red. I instantly remember, who did I smell in my Amortentia. I was thinking if I will smell him again? 

—Earth to Em, are you alright?— Pansy asked with a mischievous smile.

—Oh, yes I am, I am just curious about the Professor intentions. 

—With him, you never know. Wait, are you afraid you get the same person?  You never told me who he was, besides it has been years, I don't think it will be the same person. 

One by one of the presents smelled the Amortentia, some of them were shocked of what they have smelled, others just kissed their partners.  It was Theo's turn, we have been friends since we were children, so I was ready to tease him after. 

—I smell a comforting aroma of maple leaves, there is a delicate scent of old books, an evocative smell of strawberry shampoo, and a powerful smell of fresh lavender. He looked around and lock eyes with me. 

I was unable to say I word, he walked straight to me and sit next to me, he just brushed my hand with his fingers.

—Emma, it is your turn, please—. The Professor instructed.

I stood up, I was feeling even more nervous than when I was a student, hundreds of feelings and thoughts were rushing through me.

—Please, Emma, go ahead.— With a smile, Slughorn said. 

—There is a heavy smell of cigarettes, a whiff of morning dew, it reeks of male perfume, and a subtle smell of wood. I was perplexed, once more the same smells, the same person, it is him, no doubt.

I could feel the heat on my cheeks, I went straight to the balcony, Pansy tried to stop me, but I ignored her. I was crying on the balcony, when suddenly a strong pair of arms were holding me from behind. 

—Cara Mia, what is wrong?— Tell me. 

—It's you... —I said, trying to stop my tears.

—Why me? What have I done?— He asked with concern.

—You, you have to be, simply, perfect and handsome. Ahhh, it is not fair.

—What is not fair?— Theo said, clearly confused. 

—My feelings, I have been so stupid, you were the person I smelled the first time, and you are the person I smell now. 

He made me turn around and place his hands on my shoulders. —Em, it was you the one that I smelled the first time, and it was you the one I smelled tonight, you should know that. I have loved you since we were 16, you don't have an idea how difficult it has been for me to see you dating other men, who treat you poorly.

—Theo, how?— I said, caressing his face.

—How? You don't know? You are a kind, sweet and stubborn girl. All the times we got in trouble, the time we had to help in kitchens because we misbehaved. The times we convinced the elves to give us desserts and run away and spent the rest of the day by the Black Lake. 

—You are the most important person in my life, you helped me, and I was able to avoid becoming a Death Eater, you are the one I spend my holidays, and decisive moments. I want to keep doing that, but not as your friend, I hope to do it as your lover, as your confident, as everything you want as a long you stay by my side. 

—I love you, Em.— He made something risky and kissed me, he kissed me with kindness, love, and understanding.

We broke the kiss, and I said to him.—I love you too, Theo. You are the most significant person in my life, I want to stay by your side forever. 

He kissed my temple, when suddenly Blaise, Pansy and Mattheo appeared. 

—I won, I told you they smelled each other in the Amortentia. Pay up those 500 galleons—. Pansy said.

—Did you bet our feelings? You are the worst, what would you have done it that was not the case?— I said, punching Blaise arms.

—Blaise and I will have won 500 galleons instead of losing.— Mattheo let out a chuckle. 

—Well, it is nice to know you get a profit from our love, but Em and I will have to leave you, we have much to talk about.— Theo said, while kissing her. 

Love always comes unexpectedly, and from a person, you will never imagine. Take a risk, you'll never know who is dying to love you like you deserve.

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