Mattheo Riddle

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My last year at Hogwarts was coming to an end, so many nice memories, so many stories. So many times I had to tolerate Mattheo. It was so much easy to get along with his brother, he was so stoic, but if you get to know him, he would be a charming chap. 

Mattheo on the other hand, was always fighting with the Gryffindor's and involving my cousin Draco and my best friend Theo in his stupid plans. 

Whenever he was not getting in trouble with my friends, he was constantly trying to pick a fight with me.

One afternoon I was in the common room, cuddling with Theo on one of the sofas, when suddenly Mattheo came and started to bother us. He enjoys annoying me. 

Theo called him out and started to tease him, saying that Mattheo was simply jealous, and hugged me tightly. 

Why is he always bothering me, he should not care if I am hugging Theo, or even if we kiss. 

Draco's birthday came, and we were in the room of requirement. People were dancing, having drinks or playing games.

Pansy proposed a game of seven minutes in heaven, we gathered in a corner, and we started to play, she and the birthday boy were the first to be locked up in the closet. 

Later, Enzo and Daphne. Mattheo went with a Hufflepuff, I did not really care. He came back, trying to fix his trousers while the Hufflepuff girl was cleaning her mouth. 

The bottle landed, and it was me and Tom, I didn't understand why he agreed to play in the first place. But, he did not even let me talk. He held my hand and we entered the closet. 

I was able to hear Theo teasing Mattheo and the others were cheering.

Tom, ever the gentleman, tried to keep the distance between us, but he was holding my hand because it was so dark that we could barely see the tip of our noses.

—We don't have to do anything, Lys.— He said while caressing my hand.  —I know that my dumb brother has a thing for you.— He let us a chuckle.

—WHAT?— I asked, confused.

—Please, Lys. It's evident that you stopped hating each other long ago, every time he is with another girl, I see how you hug Theo, or take his hand. And every time you do that and Mattheo sees that, he kisses the first girl he sees in the corridor.

—Let's play a game, Lys. —Tom said with confidence. —Let's pretend we did something in here, something naughty.— He laughed.

—Why would you do that?— I said with curiosity.

—Because I love teasing my brother and this is a good opportunity.

—Very well, but you need to let me ruffle your hair so it will look more realistic. 

—Fine, but just this once. Try to do the same with your hair, needs to look messy, same as your clothes.

—Open your shirt a little, Tom. When they open the door, you will pretend that you want to continue this in your chambers.

—That's why I consider you my friend, I love the way you think.

Pansy opened the door and everyone was looking at us. —Lys and I have things to do, we must leave you now.— Tom held my hand, and we started to walk out of the room of requirement.

We walked out of the room, and we knew we were being followed. So Tom winked at me and put me against the wall.

He then whispered in my ear. —Just follow my lead.

—Lys, you are simply stunning. After that night in the restricted section, I have been thinking about you a lot. He came closer, we were inches apart, when suddenly Mattheo broke us apart.

—What are you doing, brother? And what is that nonsense that you were together in the restricted section.— Mattheo said while clenching his fist.

—Mattheo get lost, this is between me and Tom.— I said while placing myself in front of them.

—Brother, leave us alone. Lys and I have plans for tonight, and they don't concern you.— Tom said with a smirk.

—No, she will not go with you, she will go with me.— Mattheo said and took my hand and guided me to the courtyard.

—What the hell, Mattheo?— I was having a nice time with your brother.

—You cannot, I forbid you to fuck my brother.— He said while coming closer. 

—You cannot forbid me anything, if I want to fuck Tom, I will. 

He kissed me, I think he wanted me to shut up. His hands trailed my body while he was kissing me with so much passion. I was unable to process what was happening at that moment, I simply let my body follow him.

The next thing I know is that I was in his bed naked, and he was riding me. Never in my wildest dreams, I image this, me being naked in his bed and he fucking me. We started as enemies and ended up sharing a bed.

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