Tom Riddle

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I was in my History of Magic class, I love the subject, but professor Binns made the class so boring. 

I never miss a lesson because my grades are perfect, as a Prefect I have to give the example. The only thing is that I always find myself competing with Tom Riddle. 

He is constantly trying to annoy me, what irritates me the most about him is that he is a teacher's pet, he is always truing to win all the professors' respect. 

I, for one, aren't concerned about that, my grades talk for me. I have been always the perfect student, I even have time to attend to some parties. 

Now, back at the History class, professor Binns made me and Riddle stay after class. 

—Professor, may I know why do you want to speak with us?— Riddle asked the professor. 

—Yes, young man, unfortunately your partners cannot continue in this class. 

—Why is that professor?— I asked, in concern about my grade.

—Well, Miss Black, your partner was spelled from the school and Mr. Riddle's partner was transferred to Ilvermorny. 

—I hope you work together and bring a great paper, after all, both of you belong to the same house and both are Prefects. 

—But professor, I cannot work with her.— Tom said, trying to avoid sounding annoyed.

I simply rolled my eyes. —I am sorry, young man, but there are not any other students you can work with.

—See you at the library in 30 minutes, Riddle, don't be late. I have a thing to do later tonight.

—Wait, Shaianne...— I left the classroom before he could say anything else. 

I took a seat in the loneliest part of the library and while I was waiting for him, I walked around to look for a few books about the Goblin Rebellion. Furthermore, I found a few tomes from 1612 and 1752.

I went back to my seat, and he was already there. —Where did you go?— He asked while taking a quill and a parchment. 

—I was looking at some books that might help us.— I responded while placing them in front of him. 

—Now let's get to it. You can search for the rebellion of 1612, and I can look for the one in 1752.

—Who made you the leader of this group?— He spat while rolling his eyes. 

—No one Riddle, just shut up and read the book.

This silly girl things she can talk to me like that? . No one can talk to me like that, how is this possible? Most of the students at Hogwarts are afraid of me, but not her, she did not mind and told me what to do. She is quite intriguing. He said to himself while taking the book.

Both of them actually work excellent, each one was providing useful information, and they found a niche. They did actually have a good time. 

Around six, Shaianne, started to gather her books.—Where are you going?— Tom asked with curiosity.

—Oh, sorry Tom. Today is Theo's birthday and I promised him I will attend his party.

—I see, but what about the paper?— I asked, trying to show that I only cared about the project.

—Well, we made a big progress today, we could continue tomorrow, maybe in the Three Broomsticks?— Shaianne said with a shy smile.

—How can we finish a project in a place like that?— He was curious why she asked him to go there, he had never been there before, the truth is he rarely takes part in fun activities.

—How about tomorrow at ten? We could have breakfast together, my treat for leaving you alone tonight.

—Fine, but we should have ended this project today. What kind of Prefect are you?— He said, clearly annoyed.

—A fun one.— I said while walking away. 

An hour later, I arrived in the Room of Requirement with a nice dress and a Theo's present

—Bella! You came.— He said while giving a hug.

—Auguri, Theo!— I returned the hug and kissed his cheek. —I have a present for you.— I said while giving the package to him. 

—A new jumper and a book?— He said with a smile.

—I did the jumper myself and the book I remembered you told me you were looking it for a while.

—This is the best present, Bella, thank you.— He kissed my cheek, and then we went to find our friends.

We were having a good time, when suddenly I saw Tom in a corner, he was looking lost and annoyed.

I told my friends I will be back soon, and went to meet him.

—Tom? What are you doing here?— I asked while sitting next to him.

—You told me I was not fun, so I came to prove you I am fun.— While having a sip of his drink, he said.

—Don't take that too serious, I was only joking.— I said with a chuckle.

—What is it with you, a Nott?— A dry laugh scape from him.

—Theo and I are friends.— We have been for years. 

—Why do you ask?— A curious look was on my face.

—Nothing special, just asking. 

—Right! Well, I will go back, they must be looking for me.

—Wait! He said while grabbing my hand. 

—Yes? What is it, Tom? 

—I doubt that going tomorrow to have breakfast with you will be a waste of time, can I pick you up at your dorm at nine?

—You may, Tom. See you tomorrow.— I kissed his cheek and returned to my friends.

What was happening? How could I have that moment of weakness and say that to her? And what is this I am feeling? She kissed my cheek and I felt funny. It is some kind of spell or potion that she used?  I guess I will have to go tomorrow and find out.

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