Tom Riddle/Regulus Black

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You left me 8 months ago, and now I only have our photos, the text messages and my broken heart. 

How could you leave? We made a promise, after all. I was the one who defended you every time someone said something about you. 

How little it matters to you, all that I did for you? The nights I sneaked up to help you with your plans, the times I covered for you when you left at night with your followers. 

How about the time I take the blame to spare you from getting detention?  I curse you, Tom Riddle, I do. You only used me as your pawn to get what you wanted, and my body was a bonus, it seems. 

I promise you will never find me again, I will leave the house you let under my name everything that we ever acquire when we were together will stay here. That includes the clothes that you gave me, the books that you gifted me. 

I promise you that I will never cry because of you. You selfish, pathetic, and coward, I could understand that you used other people to get what you wanted, but me? 

The one that cleaned your wounds every time you came back from one of your missions, the one that had only kind words for you. My heart is crying your absence, I promise you Riddle I will forget about you and what we had. 

You abuse my trust, and only use me for your stupid plans. If you ever come back to the cottage we share, I hope you read this letter, and I hope you cry for once in your life so you can feel what I am feeling. 

Seems I am ready, I only have a small bag and my want everything else should stay here, including my wedding ring.

I went to the door and looked once more, a house full of happiness will be now rot with sadness. I locked the door with a quick spell, and a carriage was waiting for me. 

A few hours passed until I reached my destination, I was in 12 Grimmauld Place. 

—Hey, you, long time no see—. Regulus said while running straight to me and giving a hug, while his elves took my bag. —I am so happy to see you, darling. I will take care of you, okay? Whatever you need, I will get it for you.

—Thank you, Reggie.— I said while kissing his cheek.

—Let me show you your room, I make sure it was to your liking.— He said while grabbing my hand.

—I know it will be, Reggie. Thank you for having me, I did not have anywhere else to go. After all, everyone stopped talking to me after Tom and I got married. 

—Don't worry about it, you are my best friend, this is your home. I have been living alone for a while now, so we will have the place for ourselves.

—You have?— I asked.

—Yes, my parents are in France and my brother, who knows.— He said with a sweet smile. 

—Oh, sounds great then.— I said while walking hand in hand to my new room. 

—We are here, if you require anything, please let me know or Kreacher, he will help you.

—Thank you, Reggie.— I said while kissing his cheek.

—How about if we go out tonight? We haven't done it in ages.— Regulus suggested with a playful smile.

—Sounds great, I will love to go out with you.— I said while hugging him.

—Perfect, I will let you so you can unpack, and I will see you again at seven.

—Thank you, love.—  I said while waiving at him. 

I was unpacking when something across the window caught my eye. I walked next to the window and there was a person wearing a mask, looking straight at the window. Furthermore, I just closed the window and kept unpacking, probably just a weirdo.

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