Draco Malfoy

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Why is it so challenging to keep a healthy relationship? Most of the guys I have dated are jealous or psychopaths.

Most of the men who want to date me, just intend to possess me, not love me, and they confuse their protection with obsession.

My last boyfriend, was difficult, he was jealous, and he had trusts issues. To the point he didn't even want me to have male friends because in his mind all of them were interested in me.

And believe it or not I still love him, I don't know if he has already married, after all his parents wanted and rich and pureblood witch for him. I am pure blood, thought I am not rich. That was one of the topics of our constant fights, he always said that he was okay with me being middle class, but he had pressure from his parents to find someone rich and powerful.

One autumn afternoon, I was sitting having a nice cup of tea and reading the last book published by a talented magizoologist.

I was taking some notes about the new discoveries by the magizoologist, abruptly my pen fell on the ground. I reacted immediately and tried to get the pen.

You always had a habit for dropping your pens when you are concentrated. A hand-picked up my pen, I followed it with my eyes, took the pen and my hand was taken.

—What are you of people in Paris, Princess?— He asked while sitting next to me, and grabbing my hand.

—That is none of your business, Malfoy—. I tried lo get free of hid grip, but he did not let me.

—Let me go, Malfoy. I am not joking— I said, glaring at him.

—Don't be like that, princess, we haven't seen each other in 6 years, and now you are treating me poorly.

—I will treat you with respect if you deserve it— Rolling my eyes, I said to him.

—Princess, what happened years ago, I am sorry I was young and stupid. I should have been a better boyfriend, trusted you and treated you better.

—Too late for that, Malfoy. Oh, by the way, I did fuck your friends after you broke up with me, I can't really choose who was better in bed. Nott, Zabini, the Riddles, Black, I can't honestly decide.

His ayes darkened and took me by my chin, you did not sleep with all of them.

—Six years, it is a long time, Malfoy. Do you think I waste my time?

—My friends would never sleep with you, you are my ex, after all—. He said with a smirk.

—Malfoy, you can ask them yourself, I am sure they will be pleased to tell you how good it was.

—Don't test me, love— He said while taking a deep breath. 

—Or what?— I said with a defiant tone.

He put his wand out, took me by my hand and suddenly, we apparate in his Manor. —Let me go, I have better things to do, that being in this awful place.

—Please, love. Let me apologise to you, I was an ignorant an idiot, whatever you want to call me I deserve it.

—You broke my heart, treated me poorly, and never defended me from your parents. I have moved on, and you should. I thought by now you will be married and with children.

—I did not marry, my parents wanted me to marry after we graduated, I couldn't. A part of me wanted to be obedient, and the other was my broken heart, you were always kind and understanding and I took that for granted.

—I have seen you before in other places, and yes, I have seen you leaving my friends houses. I know, of course, it pains me, and drives me crazy knowing you are sharing a bed with my best friends.

—And do you think now I will cry at this moment? Forgive you? Are you expecting I run in your arms, and let you fuck me here and now?

—No, that is not it. I, I still love you, okay? I have been trying so hard to let you go and move on, but I simply can't.

—There have been times I have wanted to hit my mates in the face and ask them to stop touching you and making you theirs. But I know, I have no right to do so.

—Shut up, Malfoy, shut up. I HATE YOU, I FUCKING HATE YOU. I went straight to him and kissed him. I just wanted him to shut up.

I was crying uncontrollably, how? Why was I kissing the man who broke my heart 6 years ago, the man that treated me poorly and never trusted me. I am just a fool, I could have any other men I wanted, but no, I was here kissing Draco.

He then guided me, while we were still kissing to the sofa, he undressed himself and proceeded to undress me. He gently touched my body, like if he was making sure everything was fine. Furthermore, he kissed all my body, with his fingers he stroked my body.

He brushed the tip of his dick on my clit and that sent shivers to my body. —So wet already? Did you miss my touch, darling?— He said while inserting his dick inside me.

How good it felt to have him inside me, but my conscience was telling me that I should run away. But my body was longing for him, my body was screaming to have his touch once more.

The way I like it, it is the day he knows perfectly, the way he was moving was driving me insane. That day, we made love, we hugged, we laugh and weep.

—Darling, I promise you I will never, ever again will mistreat you, I was stupid and selfish.

—Listen to me, Dray, if you hurt me again, if you disrespect me again, I swear to you, I will disappear from your life, and you will never see me ever again.

—Princess, I swear to you that I will cherish you every day, protect you and trusting you.

—Come here!— we stood up and held our hands and made an unbreakable bow.

He confronted his parents, and demanded respect from them. Also told them if they ever treat me poorly, he will cease contact with them.

My sweet, Draco, he was truly sad because of the way he treated me. He made a vow, and he had really been truthful this time.

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