Theodore Nott

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After the second Wizarding war, I was devastated many of my friends lost their lives, others lost their loved ones.

I, I lost the love of my life, I searched everywhere, every possible place he could be. But he simply vanished.

I asked around many times to check if he was captured by the Ministry and sent to Azkaban, but it was in vain, he was not on the list of captured people.

I was submerged in a depression, I stopped going out, I stopped talking to the few friends I still got.  All of them, including former professors, tried to help me, but I was simply lost. 

How could I continue with my life? When my reason to live was gone, the only things I have to remember him by, are his clothes, and the love letters he sent me. 

Now, I just hate love, I hate the way I am feeling, I was hoping that we could escape after the war. I hate to see the couples holding hands and smiling at each other in the streets.

Why? Why me? Why the one that I love? Haven't I suffered enough already?

Three years have passed, three years since my life stopped, my reason to leave has gone. Sleepless nights were part of my life now, one gloomy night I put on his sweeter, took my wand and went to our secret spot. 

I made him a memorial, a place where I could go and talk to him, I always take my wand just because I am accustomed. But the truth is that if I was killed by a creature or an Ashwinder I wouldn't care.

I stood next to Theo's memorial, how hard it is for me to pronounce his name, I think I haven't been able to say it without crying in three years.

I place a letter that I wrote for him, and I started to cry, my life, my love he has gone. Why him? Why not me? I would trade anything for him to be here.

The sound of the leaves rustling with the wind was the only company I had, when a new sound appeared, someone stepped in some branches.

I turned around, and a hooded man stood there, I was scared for a moment. I thought to myself, if he has come for me, so be it, I will be glad to depart from this world, so I can see my love once more.

He walked straight to me and held me in his arms, I struggled a little, and I started to cry. When suddenly the hooded men removed his hood, and whispered "Cara Mia".

I froze in the spot, that voice. It could not been him, it has been three years, three painful years. Where my life and my willing to leave has gone.

I lifted my face, and it was him, though his face was not entirely the same. I did not care, it was him, it had to.

—Th... Theo?— My eyes were betraying me, that could not be him.

—Bella, it's me. I am so sorry, I should have escape with you that day. Now I am a monster.

—What are you saying? You are not a monster. I said while caressing his face. You are still the same, a scar on your face it is nothing.

He took me by the neck and kissed me, the kissed was filled with urged. It was a kiss that we had been longing for so long. We both started to cry, and he kissed my tears, I was in complete shock, the love of my life was holding me in his arms, I did not care if it was a dream.  I was happy again, with my Theo. 

—It is truly you, Theo?— I said, breaking the hug.

—Yes, Bella, it is me. I am so sorry it took me so much time, during the war I was badly wounded Mattheo and Blaise took me out of the battlefield.

I was taken to Italy to Blaise's family home, I was in a coma for over a year. When I finally woke up, I heard how the war ended, and I was coming to terms with my new face. But my heart still intact, my heart is still yours.

—I wanted to come as soon as I could, but it was dangerous for me, after all, I am a wanted man.

—My Love, I cannot believe it. I searched for you everywhere, I tried to get in contact with the others, and just Draco replied, he told me he did not know what happened to you. 

—Cara Mia, I swear to you that I would never leave your side again. Since the war has ended and Voldemort and my father are long gone, I don't have to leave your side ever again. Unless the Ministry finds me.

—My dear, you were pardoned, I went to them and provided evidence that you were helping Dumbledore's army in secret. So you are a free man, free to do what you desire.

—Very well, what I desire now it is to spend the rest of my life by your side. Bella, would you marry me? 

—I will, I will, I will, my dear. He put me in his arms and kissed me deeply. 

—My Bella, my Mrs. Nott. You don't know how long I was waiting for, asking you to be mine forever. 

—My Theo, I have missed you so much, I almost went insane, my life stopped the day you disappeared. 

—I was lost without you, Cara Mia. Not any more, let us go to the Nott Manor.

The love of my life has returned, my heart it is not broken any more. My life, it is complete once more.

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