Tom Riddle

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Tom has been a little mysterious lately, we usually make our night patrols together since I am Head Girl, and he is Head Boy. But he has been leaving early, and I can never find him, I am getting nervous, when he is starts to disappear, that means something is not right and I worry.

In the morning, during breakfast, I brought the topic, but he told me that he simply needs to do something else before the night patrol, so that is why he leaves early.

Knowing Tom, I know when he does not want to share something, I should not insist. So, I will not, I am worried that he is having issues and does not want to tell me.

During the week nothing weird happened, we still had breakfast together, during class he did sit next to me and placed his hand on my thigh. We still had lunch, our study sessions and our relationship still the same. But at night he disappears.

I normally spend the night in his dorm with him, now I woke up and his side of the bed was empty. I haven't told anyone about this. Draco has been asking questions since he is a Prefect, and he is noticing that I am doing my night patrols alone. I simply tell him he is busy and nothing more.

Finally, the weekend came, I did not have any plans, to be honest. I did not plan a date with Tom or go out with my friends. I was thinking of visiting Hagrid. 

I always enjoy visiting his hut, he always has a nice cuppa and some rock cakes accompanied by some stories.

Saturday morning I woke up and Tom was not in his bed, a note was left on the night table. "There are some things that require my attention, this morning. I will see you later, love. Have fun at Hagrid's. Love You. TMR"

Seems today I will be alone. At least Hagrid will be eager to see me. I dressed up and walked to Hagrid's hut, it is lovely in the spring. As always, Fang is happy to see visitors and came to greet me.

I pet his head and walked beside him until we reached the door step. —Stephanie, it is so delightful to see you. Please come in, I have been waiting for you. He smiled at me and with his arm made a gesture for me to get inside his hut.

—I have something for you.— He said with a chuckle while walking to his kitchen.

—You do?— I asked with curiosity.

—Yes. —He said with a tender smile and bringing a rock cake that says, "Happee birthdae Stephanie".

—Merlin! Hagrid you shouldn't have, this is very nice, thank you.— I said while giving him a hug.

—I know ye told me you don't like to celebrate your birthdae, but I thought it would be enjoyable to celebrate you.— He placed the cake on the table and brought some plates

—Hagrid, thank you very much. You are very kind.— I said to him, while taking a seat.

I spent my morning and part of the afternoon with Hagrid and Fang. We had some tea and cake and talked about magical creatures. 

I said my thanks to Hagrid and Fang and returned to my dorm. It was a charming gesture, Hagrid is always kind to everyone. I opened the door and a charming dress was in my bed and a letter.

"Love, I bought this dress for you. Please put it on and meet me at 5 sharp on the secret balcony located in the charms' classroom. Love you T."

Here I was thinking that he had forgotten my birthday, but then again I told him several times I don't like to celebrate my birthday, so I thought he had respected my wish.

I dressed up, put on some make — up and went to find Tom. The charms' classroom was hushed, not a sound, not light was on. I remember the way very well, since Tom and I liked that secret balcony.

When I opened the door, a well-groomed Tom was standing in front of me with a bouquet of tulips.

—Happy birthday, love.— He offered me the bouquet and gave me a tender kiss.

—Please come. — He guided me to a cosy spot. He clearly put a great effort doing, it was a nice blanket on the floor, with some pillows, candlelights, and food.

—Tom, you shouldn't have.— I said while hugging him.

—Nonsense, I know that you don't like to celebrate your birthday. And as you know, I don't like to celebrate mine either. We are truly kindred spirits because you have the same fear as me and that's why you don't like to celebrate your birthday. Tom said while holding my hand.

—But, I promise you that once I learn how to create a Horcrux I will make one for you and me, so we don't have to die and fade away into the oblivion.— Tom smiled at me while saying these words.

—I love you, Tom. I would love nothing more than stay with you for an eternity.— I said to him while touching his face.

—Likewise, I love you more, Steph. Please enjoy yourself, I had to learned how to cook because I have many abilities but cooking it is not one of those.— He let out a chuckle while serving the food.

We had a pleasant dinner, we had a nice conversation, and we lay next to each other to see the stars. He then looked at me with a smile. —I have loved you for 3 years now, you have been my anchor, my best friend, my confident and there is no one else I rather be. I promise you we will keep celebration many more birthdays together, and we will cherish each of them.— He came closer a placed a strand of my hair behind my ear.

—We will be together forever.— He took, out of his pocket, a ring. —My love, this year will be our last year at Hogwarts, and it will be the year for our new lives to start. I have heard that my muggle father is very sick, and he does not have much time left and since I am his only heir, I will be inheriting everything he has. I will not be Tom the poor orphan, now I can give you the future you deserve, my ambitions and desires have changed since I met you.

—Will you do me the honour of marring me?— He looked at me in the eye, with a smile and a look full of hope.

—Of course, I will marry you, my love. There is nothing that will make me happier than been Mrs. Riddle. This is the best gift I have ever received.— I hugged him tightly.

—Better than Hagrid rock cakes?— He said with a chuckle.

—Well, the second-best gift.— I laughed.

—No one can beat Hagrid's rock cakes, I am aware of that.— Tom said with a smile.

—Wait, how do you know about the rock cake?— I asked with curiosity.

—What do you think?— He smiled.

—The black bird by the window? It, was you?— I said, in shocked.

—The black bird is your patronus you should have known by now that if I am not by your side, a black bird will be there to protect you.

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