Adrian Pucey

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I went to see the quidditch practice and I wanted to support Dray. But there he was, Adrian Pucey. Truth be told, I have been accompanying Draco to his practice and games to watch Adrian. You might think I am a bad friend. But Draco is the same. He goes with me to my alchemy class to watch Pansy, he doesn't even like alchemy.

There's going to be a prematch party tonight, and I don't know whether Adrian will go with a date or alone.

Sucks to be in the same house and not brave enough to confess my feelings for him.

It's easier to have a conversation with the Riddles.

I have a seen a couple Hufflepuff talking about how handsome he is.

I mean, I am confident enough to know my value and that perhaps I might have a chance with him. But Merlin, I always feel so nervous around him. My friends finding amusing. That much that they always say to him just to tease me. Pucey, come here, Stephanie wants to tell you something.

Then he approaches me with that smile and I feel weak.

My friends only laughed at me. I hate them at times. I am simply not ready to confess my feelings.

Furthermore, I am hoping that tonight at the party I can give him a gift, something I have been working for a while to protect him on the quidditch pitch. Since at times the game can turn violent, that day a Gryffindor hit a bludger with a bat let him baldy wounded in the hospital wing.

Lucky for me, no one knows who made that Gryffindor vomit slugs for days.

And Adrian, well, I am guessing he doesn't know I visited him at night when he was at the hospital.

I simply wanted to make sure he was getting better.

But now I am on my way to my dorm I need to get ready for the party, whatever happens tonight, I will confess to him and am I hoping we could be alone when that happens

Tom came looking for me to go to the party together. He is the head boy, and I am a prefect, so we can't drink too much because we have to make sure everyone behaves.

— My, my, Stephanie, I must say you look astonishing. If Pucey doesn't notice you tonight, I will hex him before the big game tomorrow, I don't care.

— Stop Tom, you are the sweetest.— I responded while walking straight to him and fixing his tie.

— I am not sweet, don't call me that. I am just saying the truth. — He said, looking at me a bit shy. He offered his arm, which I gladly took, and we walked to the common room. When we arrived, the party had already started.

Some people were already waste like Goyle. He was saying he could fly without his broom, so Tom left me to deal with Goyle.

I walked straight to the drink table, I needed it, something strong. I took my drink and walked to an empty chair by the window, I wanted to look at the creatures of the lake.

A very much waste Slytherin from the fifth year came to me and started to talk nonsense.

— Please go back to your dorm.— I said to him with a firm tone of voice.

— Would you like to go back with me? — The Fifth year said to me, barely able to talk.

— Please, this is inappropriate, go back to your dorm, or I'll make sure professor Snape gives you detention.— I said to him, standing up from my chair and facing him.

— Please don't be like that. I know what you want, that's why you are wearing that dress.— He said, taking my arm with force. He came closer, and I was ready to take my wand out. I saw in a distance my friends. Mattheo was ready to fight, the same as Theo. And Draco was ready to go and find Tom to avoid a confrontation because that would have the party suspended.

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