Theodore Nott

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For this winter break, some of our friends decided to stay at the castle to accompany me and Tom, since he has no relatives and mines were overseas, and I was not really close with my family.

Theo was planning this for months, since his father was never home, and he was barely acknowledged by him.

Regulus, did not, want to spend the holidays at a boring Christmas party organized by his mother every year.

Draco, was ready to go home, but his parents had some last-minute change of plans, so he decided to stay here than spend the holidays alone in his family manor.

We had bought presents to exchange with each other and requested a special dinner, to the house elves, to enjoy in our common room.

I had purchased something for each one of my friends, something that I thought they would love.

Draco, Theo and I had prepared the common room. With blankets, pillows, drinks, and Draco bring a Karaoke machine. He purchased on his trip to Japan last summer when he ended up in a muggle alley.

On the other hand, Regulus was helping the elves bring our Christmas dinner. While Tom was making sure we were not bothered by Snape, since he had to stay this year at the school because McGonagall took some holidays.

I went to my room to change into a Christmas jumper and get the presents for my friends.

While she was in her dorm, the lads were just chilling in the common room.

—I can't wait to do this Karaoke thing.— Draco said, excited.

—Sounds fun.— Theo said, while grabbing a drink.

—It is unclear to me why I agreed to this stupid party.— Tom said while sitting on a chair.

—You agreed because Stephanie always makes sure we are all doing fine.— Theo said with a smile.

—I can't wait to hear her sing, last time I heard her she was in the shower.— Regulus said with a mischievous smile.

Tom simply ignored him, he knew that Regulus just wanted to piss Theo. Tom knew that Stephanie could sing pretty good, he found accidentally last break they were alone in the castle, but they did not spend all of their time together. So one afternoon, Tom was walking towards the Black Lake when he heard her sing, he actually stood there until she stopped singing, and they sat next to her. 

Tom was fond of Stephanie, he thought she was the only mature person in the group beside him, she was very intelligent and, of course, she had been an excellent friend since their first year. So, he decided not to reveal that she was a talented singer.

—What do you mean Black?— Theo asked, and that made Tom come back to his senses.

—I have heard Stephanie sing in the shower because I have been there with her.— The truth is that Regulus found out about her singing because she agreed to have lunch with him the day of his birthday. And she told him if she did not open the door, he could enter and wait for her. 

He waited for her in her bed, and he heard she was singing in the bathroom. She has always seen him as a friend and nothing more, but Regulus knew that Theo had feelings for her, so he was always ready to bother his friend. 

I went to the common room and my friends were already there, I placed their presents under the three and Draco was already trying the Karaoke.

He was singing a weird rap song while Regulus and Theo were cheering. Tom simply looked at them with disgust. 

I sat next to Tom to make him some company, while our friends were having fun. —Are you having fun?— I ask him while smiling at him.

—The truth is that I find this childish, and you know I prefer a nice book, a drink and the quite relaxing atmosphere of the common room at night. But, I have to thank you, you are the closes' thing I have that I can call family.  —Even this dumb trio, I consider them as my friends and this because of you. You are a great friend, but don't let that think I am soft or week, or I will hex your arse. He let out a chuckle.

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