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Morning practice was more chaotic than you imagined. The boys were mainly practicing serves, occasionally switching to spiking practice. You and Kiyoko watched the boys from the side of the court.

You keep your eyes on the boys. "Most of them are pretty good."

She nods. "They are. As you can see, the only ones that really need work on their serves are Tsukishima and Hinata."

"I see. I feel like if they keep putting effort into it, they'll have better serves in no time."

"I hope you're right."

Before you could say another word, a volleyball come zooming at you two. You both jump away from each other, just barely getting out of the way of the stray ball.

You look over at the boys with wide eyes. "What?!"

Nishinoya looked at you apologetically. "Sorry, Y/n-chan! That one hit my arms wrong! It won't happen again."

You looked at who had hit the serve. It was Kageyama. "Nice serve, Kageyama."

He nods. "Thank you. Sorry about it nearly hitting you and Shimizu-san."

"You're good. I was an accident."

Tanaka stared at Nishinoya in shock. "You only apologized to Y/n, Noya? It nearly hit Kiyoko, too!"

Nishinoya slowly turned to the other manager. "Sorry, Kiyoko."

She shakes her head, looking over at you. "You ok, Y/n?"

Tanaka's voice sounds from the court. "I love it when she ignores us!"

You nod at her, giving the boys a glance from the corner of your eye. "Is this normal for practices?"

"This is actually calmer than how it normally is. I'm surprised Tanaka hasn't tried ripping his shirt off."

Your eyes widened. "He what?"

Kiyoko giggles. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

Sugawara takes a look at you, seeing you acting normally, as if that never happened. "When did Y/n get so tough?" He murmured to himself.

But his teammates heard it, even Nishinoya who was on the other side of the net.

Asahi looked at the third year setter in surprise. "You didn't know?"

Sugawara shook his head. "To be fair, we stopped being able to spend time together with volleyball taking more of my time."

Daichi clapped his hands. "Come on, everyone. Focus on practice."

The boys returned to practice, occasionally looking in your direction from time to time.

You seemed unbothered by everything, still noticing that the guys would take turns looking at you. "I see they're still not used to me being here."

Kiyoko nods. "They're just a little excited to have someone new around. They'll get used to it soon. But until then, you're going to be the center of attention for a while."

You sigh. "Darn. I was hoping I could remain in the shadows."

She chuckles. "Hey, at least they like you. It's the best case scenario for joining the team."

"You're right. But I'm not much of a fan of having all this attention on me."

"I'm the same. But you get used to it with these guys. They don't have any bad intentions, they might even grow to protect you as well."

You thought about Sugawara protecting you, a smile returning to your face. "That actually doesn't sound too bad."

She raises her brows at you. "You adjusted to that train of thought quickly."

You shrugged. "It's honestly not gonna be the worst thing to happen to me. I can live with this team being a little protective of me."

She eyes you, soon turning her attention back to the practice. "I think you're already fitting in well."

The guys soon finished up their morning practice, heading over to the club room to change.

Nishinoya sighs out loud. "I still feel bad about messing up that one receive. If she hadn't reacted as quickly as she did, Y/n-chan could've gotten hit by it."

Sugawara frowns. "Don't worry about Y/n so much. She can handle herself."

Meanwhile, with you and Kiyoko.

"Are you ok, Y/n?"

You were currently laying on the ground, having just tripped over something. "I've been better."

Kiyoko holds her hand out to you, helping you off the ground. "Let me walk you to the nurse before we go to our classes."

"Thanks. I really need someone around to look after me."

"I've noticed." She smiles as she walks you to the nurses office.

Back to the boys in the club room....

Daichi sighed. "Try not to create tension just because you like your friend, Suga. Nishinoya is only looking out for her, just like the rest of us. No need to get jealous."

The silver haired boy tenses. "I'm not jealous."

Tsukishima raises a brow. "Really? You were glaring at Nishinoya-san during practice."

"Shut it, Tsukishima."

Daichi shook his head. "Calm down, Suga. Don't get defensive, either."

"I'm not!"

The rest of the team deadpanned at him. "You are."

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