When the bus arrived at the school, Sugawara started waking you up gently. You open your eyes, smiling at him.
"Hey, Koushi."
He smiles at you, helping you stand up and walk off of the bus. "Hey. Do you need me to carry you home, Y/n?"
You nod, still feeling sleepy. "Yes, please, if it's not too much trouble for you."
The silver haired boy shakes his head. "It's not any trouble to me. You helped out a lot today, let me do this for you."
You two get off the bus. He sets is bag down, then crouches down.
"Ok, get on, Y/n."
You feel your face heat up, noticing many of the others were watching you two. You walk over to him, getting onto his back. He stands up straight, his arms holding onto your legs.
"What about your bag, Koushi?"
He bends down and grabs his bag. "Why don't you put it on your back? That should make things a little bit easier."
You nod, grabbing the bag and putting it on your back, securing the strings on your shoulders. "ready to go home, Koushi?"
"Yeah. You?"
You chuckle. "I can't even walk on my own. What do you think?"
As you two get ready to leave, the team walks up to you.
Hinata smiled. "See you tomorrow, Y/n-senpai, Suga-senpai. Thanks for all your help today."
You smile at the first year. "See you tomorrow, Hinata-kun. Let's win again tomorrow."
"Yeah!" He jumped into the air, obviously excited to be able to play more volleyball.
Daichi's smiled faded. "We're against Seijoh, and Oikawa will be in for the entire match. We're gonna need to be at 100% for the match. Everyone needs to get plenty of sleep. L/n, I hate giving you more work, but we're really going to need you tomorrow for our strategies."
Kiyoko nodded. "Don't let whatever you've got going on with Oikawa affect the way you help the team."
You look at each member. "Why would I want Oikawa to win? He's not you guys. I want Karasuno to win. I'm going out of my way to help you all win your matches, I'm not gonna let someone else win."
Tanaka cheered. "Take that, pretty boy! You can't steal our managers!"
Nishinoya cheered. "My date with her was better than his!"
You whispered into Sugawara's ear. "I kind of want to break them. If I tell them Oikawa is a better player and person to date then they'd ever be, would they work harder tomorrow?"
Sugawara turned his head to look at you. "Please don't do that."
"I won't. It was just a thought. Though the look on Nishinoya's face if I told him the date with Oikawa was better, that would be kind of funny."
"Don't you dare, Y/n." He gave you a hard stare.
You giggle. "Don't worry, I won't say a word. Can we go home now?"
"Yeah, let me say goodbye to everyone first."
You nuzzle against his shoulder. "Ok. Make it quick, though. I want to spend some time with you."
Sugawara turns to the others. "We're gonna be heading home now. See you guys tomorrow."
Everyone said their goodbyes, Nishinoya trying to get more time with you. You shook your head, letting everyone know you wanted to go home.
When if was just the two of you, you let out a breath of relief. Sugawara was looking at the sky, slowly walking you back home.
He turned his head to glance at you, then faced forward once more. "You doing alright, Y/n?"
"Yeah, just a little tired."
"I see. The night sky looks pretty tonight. The stars are shining, and the moon looks beautiful tonight."
You froze, knowing the secret meaning behind that phrase. "Yeah... I guess it does look beautiful tonight."
Sugawara smiles, only commenting on what he saw. He didn't mean to say he loved you, not yet. "So, was there anything on your mind? You seemed like you wanted to say something only I would be able to hear."
"Oh, well, I wanted to stay the night at your house. My parents texted me before we left the stadium, and I don't want to be alone in my house tonight. Is that ok with you, Koushi?"
He lets out a breath, he didn't expect you to say that. "I have no problem with that. Let's stop at your house to get some extra clothes for you first."
You nod. "Of course."
"Man, I didn't think you were going to ask to spend the night."
You smile, leaning your head against his shoulder. "Well, it's been a while since we've had a sleepover. I thought tonight would be a good night to have one."
"I see."
A comfortable silence spread between the two of you as you continued the walk home.

Sugar Cookie
FanfictionSugawara x femreader A sweet girl falls for a sweet senpai You live next door to Sugawara Koushi, who's been your closest friend your whole life. What happens when feelings change between you two? Fluff Strong language, slight vulgarity