Chapter Forty-One

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My leg bounced anxiously against the floor at a rapid pace. I stared down at my hand, now wrapped tightly in white bandages from the infirmary. The school wanted to call over an ambulance but I thought it would be unnecessary. Besides, I'd rather go with my Uncle than be wheeled off by some random people I don't know.

Also...I glared at the asshole in front of me. He leaned back against his chair, his arms crossed over his chest all arrogant like. Keep on acting so smug, in fact, do one thing out of line and I'll take it upon myself to straighten you out. Whether we have witnesses or not. Frankly, I've lost most of my patience.

We were both seated on opposite sides of the principal's office. It was a large room with a large desk towards the back, the left wall lined with shelves, glass cases, and random photos. At the center of the room there were two long black couches on either side of a long glass table.

Our principal sat at the armchair at the head of the table with sweat practically pouring out of his body. know, it's funny.

He keeps glancing over at me as if I'm the scarier one in this situation. Shouldn't the big bad man who beat me up be the most feared in this situation? That would be true if it weren't for the murderous glare I was sending across the room. I bet whatever energy I was dispelling from my body was sending this man on a fritz. His primal instincts tell him to run from the twitching jaws of a predator.

"Hehe...why don't we-" I glanced at him from the corner of my eye, shutting him up, "Ah-my-I'm sorry."

I unconsciously rubbed at the aching part of my hand. Whatever drugs the nurse had given me were doing a pretty good job at keeping both the pain and my damn emotions at bay. After the initial panic had worn off and was replaced by another powerful wave of anger, I really did feel like I could kill him. If Sookie weren't there screaming her head off in horror as I bled out, he very much would be.

There were a bunch of loud voices coming in from the main teachers office. I recognized the two voices as my Uncle and Viola. What the hell was that woman doing here? I guess she was probably at the shop with my Uncle working again. For some unknown reason she actually enjoys it.

Now that she has the free time she's picked it up without pay. Uncle and I are both smart enough to know not to pass up on free labor. So he lets her stick around as long as 'free labor' patience can get him. Part-time basically.

Viola burst into the room with a hand deep in her small white purse. My eyes widened at what she was probably ready to whip out. For fuck's sake! I told her last time not to bring that type of stuff into schools! What if they found out she has a gun on her! Can't this woman think!

Her eyes scanned the room until they landed on the big buff hippo sitting across from me. It was like whatever little patience had been holding onto her sanity let go at that very moment. Thankfully both my Uncle and I knew what she was capable of.

I stood in front of her while my Uncle grabbed her by the waist. Both of us stopped her from committing a very serious crime inside a school. Uncle sneaked his way onto her hand hidden away in her bag. She looked back at him with a motherly glare. He looked at her firmly then shook his head.

By all means I don't care if this fucker is dead. I'm just worried about the repercussions. Viola doesn't deserve to be in jail for a fucking nobody whose probably more insane than me. Besides, I'm secretly scared she might enjoy it there. What if she comes out as some sort of jail boss in the end? Why can I actually see that?

Viola let out a loud huff before snapping her bag closed then pointing a slim finger at the principal, "You! This is the second time that my niece has been fucking attacked by this damn child and where were you and you're staff! Huh! What kind of school is this! You're lucky my sweet innocent cherry pop likes this damn school or I'd burn it all to the ground! Including you and your cheap ass wig!"

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