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Nick felt like his body had been smashed between two trains as he showers trying to keep his eyes open while you brought dinner upstairs sitting on the bed waiting for him. "Thank you baby, I need this" you kiss his temple before the two of you ate dinner while episodes of Criminal Minds played as both of you ate the warm meal before you took the dishes back downstairs and coming back upstairs leading to you stripping out of your clothes to change into pajamas noticing nick dozing off as you unclipped your bra even though you wouldn't need one at all, you covered your arms over your chest while walking to the dresser before turning around only to bump into nick which slightly startled you as you looked up at him feeling his thumb along your skin looking down to find his hands on your ribs before slowly moving up until they were over your breasts which made heat flood your face while looking away feeling embarrassed about your cup size which was an A cup size. Your confidence was really brought down by it and was one of the reasons you were never fully naked around him afraid of him being disgusted by your body but now as you looked at his hands moving along your breasts made your heart shake and flutter, "You are beautiful inside and out" he kisses your nose before the two of you were pressed chest to chest in a comfortable silence and warmth that added intimacy and a domesticated tenderness to the moment as you laid in his arms in nothing but your underwear and his boxers looking at yourself in the mirror the next morning while brushing your teeth and washing your face with a smile as a unexpected sense of confidence surged through you leading to you walking downstairs in a cut dress that showed just a little bit of cleavage which made nick choke on his drink. The next few weeks only made the confidence grow as you were soon out swimming in a two piece bikini rather than wearing a one piece or just a tank top and shorts and even wearing lingerie to bed or surprising nick wearing it when he would come home from being on the road, nick noticed the change in how you not only dressed but how you showed yourself over the next few weeks watching you bloom and blossom into a new version of yourself that treated yourself with the same care, kindness, tenderness, and unconditional love that you treated him and everyone else in your life that made nick proud of you from the bottom of his heart and more than he could ever say or show as the two of you were snuggled on the couch with drinks, snack, and takeout dinner while watching Austin Powers.

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