Real(Manolo Sánchez[The Book Of Life] X Reader)

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I've luckily had this idea for a little bit so I wrote it last night before I went to bed.


-Reader's P.O.V.-

A soft whimper escaped my mouth upon waking up. The tears that had filled my eyes began to fall as I noticed Manolo's empty side of the bed. The panic immediately set in. I got out of bed and began to frantically search the house for the bullfighter.

It was a dream, I thought. He's alive, just not in bed.

I found a shirtless Manolo standing in the kitchen drinking a glass of water. My breathing hitched and unintentionally alerted him. He set his glass on the counter and immediately took me into his arms. I clung to him as if he'd disappear if I let go.

"Hey, hey," he soothed. "I'm here, you're safe."

"You died..." I sobbed, recalling the nightmare. "Xibalba..."

Manolo held me tightly. He gently held my head against his chest. "That's all I need to hear. You don't need to get into the details."

I sobbed into his chest. His hand rubbed up and down my back. He kissed my head. I managed to calm down after a few minutes.

"Why're you awake..?" I sniffled.

"I was thirsty," he replied. "I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up. I know that didn't help your anxiety."

"All I care about is you're alive.." I replied. "I feel like the nightmare was real... Having you here with me feels too good to be true.."

Manolo's hand cupped my cheek and gently tilted my head up. My glassy eyes met with his chocolate ones. "How can I  prove that this is real?"

"Any way you can.." I sniffled.

His hand left my cheek and grabbed mine. He brought it up and pressed my palm to his heart. I felt his heartbeat.

"Feel my heartbeat, mi amor," he soothed. "Does it feel real?"

"Yeah," I said. I wiped any stray tears away.

"What about this?" he asked then hugged me closer. I felt his body heat radiating off his skin and onto mine.

"Real," I responded.

He gently cupped my cheeks in his hands and made me look up at him again. His gaze was as soft and comforting as his smile. "You know La Muerte wouldn't let Xibalba take my life again. I'm here with you until she decides my time."

"I know," I said softly, shyly avoiding his loving eye contact.

"I'm real and here with you, cariño," he said. "Everything right now is real."

Manolo's words kept a calming effect on my thoughts. The nightmare was close to being forgotten.

He leaned down slowly. "Including this." He lips softly pressed to mine. My hands rested on his heart as I kissed back. His heart thumped gently against my palms.

He pulled back after a few long moments. I hid my face in his chest. He laughed softly.

"How do you do that?" I asked.

"Must be part of the Sánchez gift," he joked.

I giggled softly. He scooped me up into his arms. He walked back to the bedroom. He carefully set me down on my side of the bed and laid down on his side. I cuddled up as close to him as I could. He pulled me on top of him so I was laying on my stomach. He held me close. I clung to him. My head rested against his chest. His heartbeat lulled me slowly back to sleep.


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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