I Don't Know If I Can Reverse This

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Guys? I, uh. I think I fucked up big time.

Over the past few days, my existential anxiety has gotten to me pretty badly and involves self shipping as it always does. Usually to cope until I figure everything out and convince myself, I mentally quit self shipping to mentally prepare myself just in case I do quit since I've been self shipping for over 10 years now, it's gonna be a bit hard to adjust. I didn't fight this time. I didn't know if I wanted to quit or not and so I let the anxiety take over. I don't think I'm into self shipping anymore. I think I've gotten used to not doing it and now I don't think anything works. Granted, I haven't tried much since I'm scared to, but what I have tried sparks literally nothing. At the same time, though, why am I trying to save this when it's all fake and fabricated? I'm sorry to you all and I'm sorry to myself.

If any of you have any suggestions, let me know. This feels really weird and I don't know if it's a good weird or a bad weird.

The Easter one shot will still be posted, but that's gonna be the last one until when and if I can reverse the damage I've done. Thank you all so much for 13K and I hope the book continues to grow while I'm gone. I'm not deleting this one, as I regret deleting my last books and I've learned from that.

As always, embrace your weirdness.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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