Ivan Makarov

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The Inner Circle General

General Ivan Makarov

Son of Vladimir Makarov. Ivan Makarov is a dangerous terrorist even more than his father. He's a Soviet General that leads the Inner Circle, an ultranationalist terrorist cell and a rouge army, he's also Rorke's ally. He's willing to murder his own people, in order to make Russia an empire again. Makarov, a ruthless yet cunning strategist, he's not a man to underestimate, he can decieve his enemies. Taking the zero-sum game to heart, he did whatever was necessary to gain the upper hand without any regard to the loss of human life in the process. Makarov truly believed the end justified the means and that his tactics would dictate the course of history. He's Jonathan Price's nemesis.

His looks:

Ivan: All warfare is based on deception

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Ivan: All warfare is based on deception. For years, the West's hypocrisy has made the world the battlefield. The corrupt talk... while our brothers and sons spill their own blood. Deceit cuts both ways. The bigger the lie, the more likely people are willing to believe it. And when the nation cries for vengeance, the lies spread like a wildfire. The fire builds, devouring everything in its path. Our enemies believe that they alone dictate the course of history. And all it takes is the will of a single man. A man must make his plan. When it comes to plans, timing is everything. Every second counts.

Voiced by Masanori Shinohara (Jap)

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