Owen O'Neill

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The G.H.O.S.T. Genius Technician

Owen "Drum" O'Neill

Hired by Aiden Jackson as a technician and assistant for Lion Force under the command of Alex, Owen O'Neill is nicknamed "Drum", for his passion for playing his drum set. He's a friend of Kyle "Guitar" Irving and Sam "Bass" Collins, they like playing games and music. They form a band called The Three Guns.

His looks:

Drum: Hey there, mates! My name is Owen O'Neill, but you can call me Drum

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Drum: Hey there, mates! My name is Owen O'Neill, but you can call me Drum. I'm your technician and assistant!

When he plays his drum set:

Voiced by Tsubasa Yonaga (Jap) and Rupert Grint (Eng)

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Voiced by Tsubasa Yonaga (Jap) and Rupert Grint (Eng)

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