Shawn Adkins

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The Team Division Leader

Captain Shawn Adkins

Shawn Adkins began his military career by enrolling at West Point Military Academy in 2037, becoming the fourth generation of his family to do so. He excels at all challenges and is soon promoted to Bridge Commander at the end of his First Cadet Year. He graduates magna cum laude in 2041 and is later recruited to the US Army 1st Special Forces Command. Adkins is assigned to the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force - Arabian Peninsula and serves dutifully with distinction. He is promoted to Captain and is granted the position of Detachment Commander to his Special Forces Operation Detachment-A team in 2048. He's a former teacher of Markus. But years later, he joined the Shadow Company and became the leader of Team Division. Intelligent and charismatic, he's a natural leader who inspires the loyalty of those around him and easily draws the best from them.

His looks:

Adkins: It's me - Adkins

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Adkins: It's me - Adkins. I think it's time you woke up don't you?

Voiced by Tōru Ōkawa (Jap)

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