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Vicky POV

„So Vicky.. tell me something about yourself!"

„Well.." I glanced at the name cards on the wall reading her name before entering my new room.

„Kate Wilson there is nothing much to tell."
I answer as I dropped my bag onto my bed to unpack.

„Come on. We gonna be roommates for a while. I think we should get to know each other so we can-."

„No offense Kate. But I am not here to make friends."

„You know you can't fly solo now. Having a friend could make things easier here." she says and I gotta give her that she has a point.

„I like sleeping in." I tell her and she raised a brow confused.

„What? You said tell me something about yourself and I just did." I explained plainly and she chuckled.

„Well I think someone has an eye you Garcia."
She tells me nodding her head to the open door.
I take a look seeing a guy stand there in the hallway looking at me.

I walked to the door as he had a hopeful look on his face wanting to approach me but I slammed the door shut.

„Hey that was rude." she joked and I shrugged my shoulders.

„I don't know what he wants."

„Well maybe you should ask him instead of slamming the door in front of his nose." She pointed at the door.

„I'm not interested." I told her honestly.

„I see. You have someone waiting for you at home." she assumes and I shake my head.

„No one is waiting for me. It's just me."

„Well he was cute. You guys could be a good couple." she says and I laughed.

„Your funny Wilson. But no." I replied abruptly stopping my laughter.

„Oh so you don't swing that way?" She digs in further.

„I don't swing in any way Kate. How about you unpack your bag instead of nagging about my non existent love life."

„Uh she's a feisty one. I like that."

„And you are a persistent one." I tell her and she chuckled as she started to unpack as well.

„Yeah can't change it. I am noisy. Maybe that's why I started this career. To annoy my dad and to solve every crime with my noisy ass."

„Oh am I sensing daddy issues?" I ask and she let out a light sigh.

„My dad is a entrepreneur. He wants me to step into his footsteps but..."

„Daddy's little girl wants to forge her own path."
I finished her sentence and she nod.

„You got it."

„What about you? Your family? Is your dad happy with the job you chose?" she asked me and I shook my head.

„He hasn't much say in it." was what I felt comfortable sharing and she noticed my smile fade.

„Screw our dads. We gonna do our own thing."
She raised her hand for a high five and I did the same.

„Recruits! Attention. Get dressed in your uniform and attend the training rooms. You have five minutes." Stan's voice appeared through the speaker.

„FIVE MINUTES???" Kate yelled as she got ready hectic.

After we got ready quick we headed down to the training rooms seeing the students gather around.
We stood on mats and Johansson stood in the middle having Stan and Olsen stand at the side watching us all.

„We will test your fighting skills so we can see where we need to start off. Who wants to go first?" some raised their arms eager but I didn't.
I wanted to watch my opponent before I jump in head over heels.

„You!" she picked the guy who stood at my door earlier.

„And you!" she pointed her hand at me.

„I didn't raise my hand to go first."

„Do I look like I care Garcia? Come here."
She demanded and I listened without adding any comment.

„Isn't this a bit unfair for her? He's a guy." some dude asked and Johansson scoffed.

„You don't get to chose your opponent in real life when it comes to work. The people you work against. Will be ruthless. I chose opposite genders consciously." she explained to everyone while she walked around me and him.

„I am Ryan." he introduced himself quietly.

„Did I ask?" I answered and he smiled.

„No but I just wanted to let you know." he says quietly.

„The first one on the ground loses." she explained the rule stepping back.

„Johansson she's not even keeping her eyes at me."
Ryan yelled out as I only looked at Olsen who stood behind him for a split second.

He tried to make a move but I got pulled back and yanked my foot into the side of his knee to push him down. He fell on his knee making it easy for me to push him down onto the ground so I'd be hunched above him.

„Do you still think I chose unfair?" she asked that guy who asked it earlier.

„This was unexpectedly fast. Go back to your places the next ones can get to it." I was still above him seeing from the corner of my eye how Olsen looked away probably not being pleased of what she saw.

„Stay behind after the lesson Garcia." Johansson whispered as I walked past her.

„Girl he totally has a crush on you." Kate nudged my shoulder as I stood next to her.

„Shut up. He doesn't."

„Oh come on he totally let you win."

„He didn't I was just faster." I tell her and we became quiet.

„Okay see this? This is not how we wanna do it." she speaks up as we see how two lay on the ground simultaneously.

„One above the other. Not next to each other. One always has to win."

„What if there is no way to win?" A woman asked.

„Then you will improvise. Get creative. Imagine this being a serious situation with real threats. A life or death situation." Johansson tells us watching the next duo fight.

Every now and then I felt Olsens eyes on me burning holes into my skin. I somehow still can't believe that she had sex with me. That I slept with her what the actual fuck.

I don't know what is going through her mind, but I can tell it probably has something to do with me.


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