Know your place

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Vicky POV

„Wanna tell me how you managed to bring me down? You are so light." I asked him clearly seeing that he doesn't have an ounce of muscle.

„I trained myself on the human anatomy. I learned the weak spots and that's where I try to hit first."
He lets me in on his knowledge.

„I might not be strong or fast but I know a lot and I consider this being my strength." he said and I nod.

„You clearly embarrassed me in front of everyone so that's a big plus for you mantis."

„Mantis?" he asked.

„You look like one."

„Hm fair enough." he shrugged his shoulders being able to take my nickname.

„I might get back to you for those weak spots if that's okay with you." I tell him and he nods.

„Of course. When you help me getting jacked like him!" he pointed at Ryan.

„Oh hun you are a bit too optimistic." I tell him as I got him down this time.

„I can get you to gain muscles but not like Ryan. What he has is multiple years of hard training.
But I might be able to help you to get through the physical tasks. You only need to pass. It won't be as good as the top of us. But you will get through it and instead you will be the one standing in glory when it comes to the written exams."
I give him the reality and he thinks for a moment as I got off from him holding my hand out for him.

„Deal." he agreed as he grabbed my hand so I can pull him up.

„Alright everyone!!" Johansson speaks up loudly making us all stop training.

„Time is up you can all go and have breakfast. Take a shower before you guys stink!" she jokes gaining a laugh from some as we all walked off to the shower rooms.

„Garcia wait up a moment." Johansson calls after me and I stopped stepping towards her.

„What was this earlier today? Gray is one of the weakest students when it comes to hand to hand combat. You are out of balance."

„Me out of balance?" I asked her and she nod.

„Yes you! This morning during practice. The other day during gun lessons. I considered you being a top tier student." she confessed and I shrugged my shoulders. Noticing where this is going.

„I just had a bad couple of days. That's all. Nothing to worry about." I answered a bit annoyed noticing how she narrowed her eyes at me.

With a swift move she knocked the ground away from my feet making me fall on my side and as I waltender turn on my back I had her pinning me down.

„Vicky." she speaks up as she startled me.

„A couple of bad days can cost you your life outside in the real world. Whatever you have in your mind or on your heart needs to be shut off when you enter work." she advices me and I let out a sigh.

„And I don't want any disrespecting sighs from you anymore. Did I make myself clear?" she demanded and I staid quiet watching how she's on top of me and I can't let this slide. My ego won't let it slide so I attempted to get lose from her grip which I did for a split second until she pinned me down again but now having her thighs wrapped around my head.

„Garcia. Know your place when I teach you a lesson." she warns me but that warning somehow had a seductive undertone and I don't know if it's the lack of oxygen reaching my brain from her squeeze or something else but I leaned into this comment of hers.

„So my place is between your thighs?" I dared to ask and she looks a bit taken back before smirking.

„You filthy little one." she husked.

„Who's the flirty one here? I am not the one pinned down between a redheads thighs."
I answered bold knowing well enough that we crossed the path of authority behavior.

„You let yourself get pinned down this way. I know your skill set, you would have gotten out of this position a long time ago, if you wouldn't be enjoying this position so much..." she replied and I feel like she caught me there.

„Touché." I tell her and her smirk grew.

I really don't know what my problem is and I really don't get why I let myself slip into such inappropriate situations.. but I can't seem to get a grip on it. It's like my brain shuts itself off and my responsibility dissolves. I couldn't help myself but to touch her waist sliding my hands to her ass making her eyes look down onto them.

Without even thinking she leaned herself forward kissing me in the roughest way possible.
He hands griping the side of my neck to pull me up and I leaned in with zero hesitation. Letting her kiss me the way she wanted and letting her take over like she already did during this combat session.

As if a shock hit my head I realized now what I did leaned my making my head collide with the mat beneath us. Her eyes widen as if she got lose from a trance she was in.

„Fuck. Shit. I shouldn't have-." she panicked as she leaned back getting up to create a distance that I didn't want to have. But I had to stop.

„It's fine Johansson it happens I-."

„Shit this is... you are, I am no. I- it can't happen again."

Surely a „why" wanted to slip of off my lips but I swallowed it knowing damn well the answer to that dumb question.

„I should go. I don't wanna miss breakfast."
I pointed behind me grabbing my towel and bottle to head off.

Fuck Vicky what type of distractions have you gotten yourself into. This never happened before.


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