Gossip and guns

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Narrator POV

„So how are they all holding up?" Lizzie asked Scar as she walked beside her on their way to hun practice.

„Surprisingly good. No one had a break down yet. But that won't last long I can guarantee you that."
Scar answered amused by the fact that some might have their breaking point waiting for them.

„Any special ones? I don't notice a log of their personality traits during class. Not like you with the training classes."

„Ryan is great." scar pointed out and they both noticed how he got closer to Vicky. „He's a player. But he knows he's great and I think that will be either the death of him one day or it will build him up."

„What about Wilson?" lizzie asked while the crowd walked in front of them.

„She's seems innocent. But she's not. She's a tough little one. But I think most people underestimate her. That can be beneficial for her in the future."

„And Pete?" she added seeing how he stumbled over nothing.

„That poor guy? I don't even know why he's joining this program. He's a genius on paper don't get me wrong. But he barley got through the physical training. If he doesn't catch up he will get lost."

„Oh and what about Daniel?" she kept on interrogating the students wanting to build up a better picture of them.

„She likes plying the hero. She was a cop before. So she's really good at what she's doing. It's almost always a head to head situation between her and Vicky."

„Vicky is as skilled as a cop?" lizzie asked impressed and scar nod.

„Almost. She has some weak spots that need to be trained bette but I think she can catch up. She's great."

„You seem really impressed by her. That rarely happens when it comes to you."

„What can I say. She's a tough nut to crack but that makes training even more interesting."
The blond raised a brow on this comment not being able to get this image out of her head how Vicky was hunched over her.

„Did you know that Vicky is fucking with someone?" scar changed the topic making Lizzie stop for just a moment.

„What??" she asked shocked.

„Yeah. We had swim practice last week and she had hickeys and bite marks all over her thighs. I mentioned them when I talked to her in private but she obviously denied it trying to convince me that she has bed bugs. Hilarious right? Who do they think we are? Trying to fool us."

„Yeah hilarious." lizzie replied dry.

„Every year it's the same damn thing. These students can't keep their hands off one another. I wonder who the lucky one is." she tells her close friend making Lizzie raise a brow on the last sentence.

„What is your guess?" she questioned wanting to know if scar has the right sense for finding it out.

„Rumer has it that Ryan tried his luck with her. So he's definitely in the picture. I mean look at him. He's build like a fucking statue and she's...she's."

„She's what?" lizzie poked at the fact that scar held back from saying what she wanted to say.

„I don't wanna compliment her too much but she's a goddess. She's trained. Flawless hair beautiful face."

„Looks like you are finding a liking in her. You already have a favorite?" Lizzie „joked" trying to cover up her jealousy.

„Come on on the picture these two could fit. They'd probably have amazing sex. According to her hickeys... whoever gave her them is a freak in bed." little did scar know that she was complimenting Lizzie's sex drive.

„Okay who says she's even doing it with a guy? Like don't you have a nose for things like that?"

„You mean my gaydar? It's confusing me sometimes. She could be bi. She gives off that vibe. But I can't quite pinpoint it." scar answered before speaking to the crowd of students in front off her.

„Okay listen up everyone. This is your first gun lesson. Everyone grab some ear plugs with some safety glasses. After that you will be handed a nine millimeter. You stand at the mark in front of you where the magazines are laying." she ordered loud so everyone can understand her.

„No one points the gun at anyone is that clear?!
I don't want any gun shot injury's this is sine serious shit." she added as everyone was getting ready.

„You empty your first ammunition. After that you reload and shoot the displayed target again. You do that twice in a row making it three magazines in general."

„Any questions before we begin?" Lizzie added after scar was done.

„Are we only learning how to handle a gun or do we practice with heavier weapons as well?"
Ryan asked.

„Consider this being a warm up. You will practice with different weapons every gun lesson. By the end of your journey you will have various experiences in a diverse weapon range."

„Now. Work quick and careful. Don't miss."
Lizzie yelled announcing for the students to begin shooting.

„Wilson is doing a great job." scar pointed out to Lizzie making her take notes.

„Harris too." Lizzie nod her head towards Daniel.

„Obviously. She's an ex cop." scar reminded her.

„What's up with Garcia?" scar asked gaining Lizzie's attention as she was looking downstairs her clipboard for a moment.

„Is she so shaky because of the stitches in her hand?" Lizzie asked remembering that she has an injured finger.

„No. I don't think it's that. She's not pulling the trigger with the finger. It's something else."
Scar answered worried.

„Let's take a closer look." scar nod her head and they both walked up behind Vicky.

„Garcia is everything alright?" scar asked gaining her attention.

„I'm good." she replied shortly.

„Vicky you seem anxious what's the problem?"
Lizzie asked concerned.

„Anxious? I am not anxious. I just didn't sleep well that's all." she replied as she wanted to shoot again.

„You posture is wrong Garcia here. Let me show you." Scar placed her clipboard aside grabbing Vicky's hip to turn it more so she'd stand straighter. Lizzie's eyes followed scars hands making her boil on her inside noticing how anxious Vicky still is.

„Your shoulders need to be straighter too. Like this." Lizzie placed her hands on Vicky's shoulders.
She stroked Vicky's right shoulder so that scar wouldn't notice from her left side and Vicky managed to calm down a bit somehow.

„Now take a deep breath and shoot." lizzie encouraged Vicky and as she did she shoot so good that she hit the head of the target.

„That's it. Very good. You got this." lizzie tapped her shoulders before letting go and so did scar.

„Keep it up like this. We'll check on you after we control the others too." scar tells Vicky and she nod her head pulling her attention back to shooting the target.


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