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Narrator POV

„Zeth O'Neil. He had a family?" Stan asked Johansson and Olsen making them both nod.

„Apparently he did. Vicky is his daughter."
Johansson answered making him sigh as he lets himself fall back into his chair.

„He was a class above me when I started here at Quantico. He was a beast from what I've got to see and hear. I never knew he had a family." he replied as he went down his memory lane to his agent days.

„How was he?" Olsen questioned wanting to know if there is truly any connection with Vicky. Any similarities.

„Here I'll show you." he opened a file and turned the screen around so they'd be able to look at his face.

A sharp jawline as well as the same thick brows Vicky has. Yet there is not a single ounce of blue in Vicky's eyes. Not like his. They are piercing yet round. Vicky's are way sharper and softer at the same time. His eyes look empty. As if life has left his body even though he was alive.

„No one wanted to mess with him. He was extremely good at everything he did. He never missed a shot. Never lost a fight."

„Wow what an A+ agent he was." Johansson mumbled under her breath sarcastically as she kept on scanning this man's face.

„He had phenomenal grades." Olsen pointed out as she read the file.

„Indeed. As I said he was the best. Is Garcia like him?" Stan asked making the two women share a short glance before looking back at him.

„She's a good trainee." Johansson complimented her work making Olsen nod in agreement.

„What about her temper?"

„She definitely has a temper that can be hard to handle." Olsen thought out loud making her two co workers look at her confused.

„How can you know when you haven't been interacting with her in a way to notice that she has a temper?" Johansson questioned thinking back to how awfully close she was to Vicky earlier.

„I- eh- I meant her temper with Smith.. how things escalated. I think she hit him first didn't she?" Olsen came up with a lie since she was thinking about the time when she was fighting with Vicky.

„Oh yeah.. right.." Johansson mumbled pulling her attention back to Stan.

„Okay. I need everything to be protocoled by the end of the week. Take some statements from some trainees. Especially the ones that are close to Garcia. I need evidence from Smith. So we can close this case. I need to call his family.. and Garcias too."

„NO!" Johansson blurred out making Stan raise a brow.

„No? What do you mean no?" he asked mad.

„I will call Garcias family and let them know. You have enough things to do I am sure one shitty phone call is enough for you." she offered and he sighs.

„If you say so." he says as he raised his hands.

The women left Stans office making their way to theirs so they can start their paper work.
„Wanna tell me why you were so invested on calling Vicky's mother?" Olsen questioned letting her unreasonable jealousy seep through.

„Vicky's mother doesn't know that she's here trying to become an agent." Johansson tells her.

„Wow. She's lying to her mother about this?"
Olsen questioned unimpressed since Vicky was lying about her father.

„She didn't want her to worry and she probably doesn't want her mom to think that she will end up like her father."

„What is she telling her then when they Talbots each other?" Olsen asked curiously wanting to know what type of lie Vicky is creating.

„Medical school. Vicky was a nurse for some years. She told her mom she needs to fly across the country to do some seminars." Johansson explained her and she hummed.

Olsen is surprisingly impressed by Vicky and way more intrigued in her past life. She didn't think much of it when she was around Vicky. Of course she was curious but she didn't expect that Vicky's life was so complicated and secretive.

„So are you gonna call her mother and tell her that she was got shot in her shoulder twice while she was a trainee here at Quantico to become an FBI agent?" Olsen asked knowing how Johansson would expose her trainees lie completely.

„Are you stupid Liz? Of course I won't call her."

„Then why did you tell Stan that you'd do it?"

„This way I'd be able to give Vicky some time. So she can tell her mother herself that she's here at Quantico. I won't expose her lie. It's as if I'd stab her in the back. That's not my place to do. Neither yours! So I'll tell her later and she will handle it or she will tell us to do it. Maybe she doesn't want to face her mothers rage once it's all said and done."
Johansson answered.

„I should probably get going then. I have training."
The red head added as she pointed down the hall to the training rooms.

„Yeah. I'll get prepared for classes." Olsen mumbled deep in thoughts not noticing that Johansson is already walking off.

Instead of making her way to her classroom to prepare the lesson she walked to the medical district to pay Vicky another visit.

„Olsen?"  Vicky's voice filled the room. She was surprised by her visit looking behind the blond to see if there is anyone else walking in with her.

„We need to talk." the blond announces.

„I am not really in the mood to talk. Especially not to you." she added making Olsen raise a brow.

„Cut the bullshit  Vicky. You may be able to lie to others, but not to me."

„Says the one who's lying.." Vicky mumbled under her breath.

„What was that?" Olsen asked as she didn't hear her completely.

„Nothing. What do you want?" she says annoyed.

„I don't get why Smith thought that it would be good to hold an information that involves yours fathers death and career."
Olsen digs in making Vicky sigh.

„I already told you everything when Johansson was present. I won't repeat myself."

„Why? So you don't get caught up in the lies you tell?"

„Olsen! I swear, I don't know what it is with you but you've been getting on my nerves lately. I am sick of fighting with you so please, for the love of god can you just leave! I don't want to make things worse."

„Vicky! What is going on? What have I done?"

„I am sorry but we have strict visiting hours Miss."
The nurse interrupted as she walked in with a medicine plate.

Vicky minded Olsen gaze as she moved her head to the window to look outside seeing how the sun is setting. Olsen's eyes were fixated on her ex lover. Getting lost in her thoughts and feelings for her. Thinking on how she can fix things but she can't. She's tied up when it comes to this.

There I nothing that Olsen wants more than to be with her again. Arm in arm. She wants to hold her. But she can't and it looks like Vicky doesn't want that..

A/n: secrets and lies sneak up on those two ex lovers hm...

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️


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