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Vicky POV

„Alright Miss Garcia. We think you can leave now. We've kept you under observation long enough, but we'd like to see you weekly for a wound control and we will freshen up the bandages."
A doctor said as he was checking up things on his clip board.

„Is there anything I need to be aware off?"
I asked as I started to grab my stuff.

„No extrem activities as in sports." not me thinking about sex as an extrem activity.. but with who? Yeah no one for now id better let it rest.

„If you take any medicine please don't add any alcohol to your system! You are not allowed to drive and with the showering part.. you'd have to try it with one hand but I'd recommend you having someone with you for support. We don't want you to slip and fall because you can only use one arm."
He added and I sigh at the restrictions he gave me.

„If you have any concerns or notice any drastic changes in your wound or pain please let us know so we can take a closer look at it."
He handed me over a pack of pills and I nod.

„Alright. Thank you doc for everything."

„Anytime Miss. We will check on you next week."
He nods back and left the room.

I grabbed my stuff as good as I could since my other arm couldn't really hold much.
I held in tight knowing it will fall if I move wrong but I made my way back to my room anyway knowing that I am to lazy to go this way twice.

„Oh fucking hell." I mumbled as I bumped into someone while I was so fixated on not letting anything drop.. I did drop everything.

„Vicky? Have the doctors dismissed you already?"
Olsen questioned surprised as she kneeled down with me to pick up my things.

„Yeah just now.. I was actually on my way back to my room." I sigh as I nod my head.

„I am sorry for bumping into you. I was so fixated on my papers I didn't even care to look up."

„It's okay." I answered simple as I helped her grab her stuff too.

„I've been meaning to visit you.. how is your stomach?" she asked as I looked at her confused.

„You were throwing up the last time we saw each other. You've drank a lot."

„Oh yeah. Probably so much that I can't remember you seeing me this way.." I tell her honest as I really had a black out from the way back to campus into my room.

„I'd like to talk to you in my office. About what you got yourself into." she says as I got up before her having her look up at me from kneeling. A position that was all to familiar.

„I don't think there is anything we need to talk about Olsen." I tell her as I grabbed my things tight not wanting them to fall again.

„This was not an offer. I just phrased it nicely because I didn't want to come off as mean." she explained herself and I went silent.

„Guess I don't have a choice then hm." I reply and she nod hesitant.

„And about-."

„If this is anything that concerned our previous entanglements.. I don't wanna hear it. I'd like to keep it.. professional." I answer straight forward.

„V please I-."

„I need to go." I walked off as I felt our shoulders brush each other swiftly making me feel weak again. I know I'd fall for her touch all over. But I don't want to. I can't.

„Hey there welcome back!!" I was surprised as I saw Ryan, Kate and Pete stand in my room with flowers and a... ballon gun??

„Oh damn. You guys are so.. attentive... how nice."
I answer confused as this felt like a mildly awkward encounter when someone has an intervention.

„We thought you'd like to have a little welcoming moment.." Pete says as he stepped closer taking the things out of my hand to throw them onto my bed before giving me a hug. As they all did after him.

„Y'all really got creative with this ballon gun.."
I pointed out sarcastically.

„I told you this was a bad idea.. we should have given her a bottle of wine." Ryan hissed at Kate.

„Sorry was it to soon?" she pulled at the ballon and I sigh as I shook my head.

„It's okay Kate.. thanks I guess. Your humor is just really.. special sometimes."

„We should have given her a cake instead."
Pete added and I nod at his statement.

„Wine and cake? Kate that would have been it!"
I tell her and she smiled.

„Next time you'll get one."

„God forbid I don't ever wanna get shot again.
Just know that if one of you will get shot you will get this gun ballon as well. So we can be equal."
I wiggled with my hand between them and they nod letting out a laugh.

„How does it feel?" Ryan asked me as I sat down on my bed.

„Stiff and it's pulsating probably from pumping all the blood there to close the wound."

„How are you guys doing after the night out?
I drank so much that I couldn't even remember my way back into my room." I asked them and they became quiet as they glanced at each other.

„We had it rough let's settle for that. Right guys?"
Kate answered wanting an approving nod from both Pete and Ryan.

„What happened? You guys seem so weird." I asked them and they staid silent for a moment.

„Olsen got angry with us for going out that night.
She must've seen you completely wasted when she wanted to check in on you." Ryan spoke up and I sigh as I know now what awaits me when I go back to her office.

„Shit. What did she do?" I asked them.

„She easy she could easily get us out of this program but it would be just wasted potential. So she'd let it slide giving us extra assignments and campus clean up duty alongside with all our classes that we have on top."

„Fuck.." I mumbled knowing that this will be awaiting for me as well.

„At least we didn't get kicked out." Pete added and I hummed at his reply.

„We need to head off to the shooting training. Rest now."

„Rest now? What am I supposed to do it's boring."

„I don't know take a nap girl. At least you can. Take it for us." Kate says as she playfully pushed me back so I'd fall onto my bed staying there as they all left closing the door.


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