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Vicky POV

„Is this a walk of shame I see?" Kate spoke up as she saw me walk into the hallway with my clothes on from last night. I really had to get myself together to walk as normal as I could.
I still felt the ache down there and my legs are wobbly. But it's worth every ache.

„Busted." I tell her not having the strength to deny the fact that I was fucked mercilessly. It's clearly visible.

„What a cricked smirk you have there. Looks like this was a promising night you had. Who's the lucky one?" she asked me as I let myself fall down onto the bed.

„No offense Kate. I'd really like to share but I'll take that to the grave."

„Okay I'll find out someday. How was it if you wanna tell me that??" she poked further not letting loose.

„I don't know if I can find the right words for it."
I sigh as I looked up the ceiling.

„Garciaaaaa, is this a look of love?" she asked me teasingly and I came back to my senses shaking off this feeling.

„What? No!! Come on we gotta go."
I jumped up wanting to change quick before training but I held in for a moment sitting back down onto the bed.

„Wow that person fucked you so good That you can't stand properly. Props to their efforts this must've been a wild night." she joked and I sigh as I massaged my legs.

„Fuck off Wilson." I tell her and she threw a pillow.

„Come on hopefully Johansson will go easy on us today." she hops up walking to my closet to give me the clothes to change.
Little does she know that Johansson was the one responsible for my weak legs.

I changed as quick as I could so that I wouldn't be late. We walked in slow together joining the rest of the class. So there she was standing in her sports wear that was really, really tight.

Fucking hell I expected this program to be hard but not so hard. „Morning student. I hope you all had a lovely day off. But we all know good things never last." she spoke up gaining everyone's attention glancing at me shortly.

„I know you all are probably still drunk from last night. Since I smell some alcohol flags in this room." she added a she walked around.

„But guess what. I do not care if you are. It just shouldn't happen again. Know your limits with drinking folks. So we will be doing some sparing regardless of your head aches and all...
And if you do feel like throwing up. Don't do it on the mats. Or please don't do it at all you will be cleaning it after." she tells us stopping now.

„So pair up. Warm up. Don't throw up."
She claps her hands and everyone got paired up except for me.

„Smith is not here today for some reason. So the number of students is uneven. Let's get this thing started Garcia." Johansson tapped my shoulder as she walked past me to stand on a mat.

She talked to me as if nothing happened. As if she didn't fuck me rough not even a day ago.
„Ehm.. I'm kinda exhausted." I tell her and she raised a brow crossing her arms.

„Just because we fucked doesn't mean you get some princess treatment. Get you ass up here."
She spoke up and I hesitated feeling mad now.

„TODAY GARCIA!!" she yells gaining some looks from other students. I sigh and got to her on the mat.

„What did I tell you about those disrespectful sighs?" she asked me as she wanted to attack me but I ducked.

„Why don't you remind me." I told her annoyed and she swiped her leg under mine making me fall on my back again.

„I don't wanna hear them." she warns me as she held out her hand to pull me up. But I had other plans.

I grabbed her hand, pulling her down over me making her fall down now so I can pin her down with my legs.

„That was a good one I'll give you that." she huffs out as she rested beneath me.

„Your legs are still shaking." she says cocky making me role my eyes.

„I wonder why." I joked about it and she smirked.

She slung herself out of the position we were in that reminded me so bad of last night.
„I was surprised you could even walk. Was I not good enough?" she asked as we both stood up again preparing to fight again.

„Good enough? You doubt that you were good? Shit Johansson you fucked me like no one else ever did before. But I had to get back to campus somehow." I tell her as I took a swing to punch her but she covered it.

„Y'know it can never happen again right?"
She says making me stop in my track as I get reminded of a certain someone who already said that before. But she didn't mean it.

„I know." I answered shortly not knowing what to say next.

„This was a one time thing. Letting our intrusive thoughts take over. We were drunk and horny.
This was a-."

„A mistake. Not the first time that I've heard those words." I sigh annoyed but this time she let this sigh slide without commenting on it.

„It wasn't the first time that someone said the sex they had with you was a mistake?" she asked curious and I shrugged my shoulders pushing her down dominating once again.

„Don't act like you care Johansson. I'd rather not talk about it." I tell her not stretching my hand out to pull her up.

„It's Scarlett for you Vicky." she calls me by my name. My mood started to shift as I can't stop thinking about Olsen. She never cared to tell me that I should call her by her first name. In fact she insisted on being called Olsen instead off Lizzie or Elizabeth.

„I'd rather keep if professional Johansson. So it's Garcia for you." I tell her and she noticed how my tone shifted.

Now I realize why Olsen did that. This way she kept her distance. Reminding herself that I am just a student. A student she ended up fucking.
Like Johansson did. I feel like shit now. Why do I feel like I need to distance myself as well?

Am I falling? I don't know. It feels right and wrong at the same time to keep my distance.
I hate the way I feel now.

„Fine." she says coldly walking away.


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