Drunk words

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Olsen POV

„I will go get a nurse so she can put back the Infusion into your arm." I tell her as I helped her change into her Pyjamas.

„No I'll do it." she says and I shook my head as my face frowns.

„Nope young lady you won't. You can't even do it."
I tell her as I pushed her into her bed.

„No let me. All the nurses are asleep anyway."

„They should be up and working."

„No.. don't tell anyone.. but we made them fall asleep." she whispered as if there were other people in the room who could hear us. Even though we are by ourselves.

„What have you done?" I asked her as I raised a brow sternly.

„Ryan, gray and Kate made a tea for them. So we can sneak out." she whispered again telling me what they did last night.

„And then what?" I asked having a feeling that she will tell me everything I wanna hear now.

„They drank the tea and fell asleep.. we went out to drink. Isn't it nice of them to cheer me up?"
She tells me and I just looked at her blankly.

„So let me put in my Infusion! I am a nurse!" she says confidently and I sigh as I noticed how proud and eager she is.

„Give me that tool table." she pointed out pushing me back by my hips so I'd assist her. Which I did.

„Why did you stop being a nurse?" I asked her and she sighs sadly while scrambling for the supplies she needs.

„I want to make my dead father proud. Ironic isn't it? He made it clear that I was never enough and never will be.. which is true. So I stopped trying to do my thing and started to do his... as if I will have a better connection with him.. or he'd be proud of me somehow."

„I am sure he is proud of you." I tell her and she scoffed while she ripped open some supplies with her mouth. Which was oddly hot.

„Don't tell me anymore lies Elizabeth.. they don't suit you." she tells me and I became silent not knowing what to say.

„My mom won't be proud either because I lie to her. I tend to lie a lot. I do it often. Does this make me a terrible person?" she questioned me and I feel a bit conflicted now.

„Your silence speaks volumes L. I guess my inner voice is right. I am a terrible person."
She added not letting me say anything.

„You're not a bad person V."


„Really." I tell her and she went silent concentrating on putting in her infusion. She winced for a moment as I looked away while she did her work. I hate needles they make me feel uncomfortable.

„Do you like me?" she asked me out of the blue.

„And don't come up with any lies. I mean do you really like ME as who I am and I don't mean the sex  part. I know you like that cause I clearly heard you begging for more..." she held in for a moment.
„Like really like me as a person." she added calmly.

„I do like you V. I really do. I just can't comprehend your stubbornness sometimes. You can be a challenging person. I am intrigued in you I know that sounds dumb."

„It does. It does sound dumb." she giggles and that made me role my eyes. She really can't stay serious for longer than a couple minutes.

„I wish I'd like myself too."

„Why wouldn't you like yourself?"

„I don't know. People say I am rude.. a hard nut to crack. I have my walls up. I just can't help it."
She explains herself and I staid silent for a moment.

„Well those people are full of shit. You are a wonderful person V and don't let anyone tell you otherwise hm." I stoked the side of her face and she leaned her head into my palm.

„You will shout at me once I am sober right?"
She asked and I chuckled.

„Probably. We'll see." I answered simple and she sighs.

„I feel tired." she confesses and I pushed her back gently so she'd lay down.

„Rest now. I'll be here once you wake up."

„I won't be alone?"

„You won't." I tell her as I tugged her in.

I staid next to her as I watched how she tossed in and out of her sleep until she was finally sleeping.
I stroked her hair behind her ear and opened a window for fresh air. After that I went outside to check in on the nurses and they were really asleep in the nursing room.

I walked off to my office calling scar since she's having training with the trainees.

„Hey what's up? I have the thing you wanted from your house." she informs me immediately.

„That's great thanks scar! Can you send me Ryan, Kate and Gray to my office now?" I plead and she hummed while yelling „RYAN! GRAY AND WILSON!! To Olsen's office now!" she tells them and I heard footsteps on the other line.

„They looks scared what did they do that you'd order them to your office?" she asked amused.

„They disobeyed orders and did some stupid shit! I'll tell you later once I dealt with them!" I tell her on the phone and she hummed.

„Alright then! I gotta go back to training! See you during break?" she asked and I hummed.

„Of course. See you then!" I answered and hung up.


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