Fed up

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Narrator POV

„So where are you heading off to for this week?" Vicky asked Kate as she was packing a bag.

„Flying back to my family's estate. We are planning on hunting. If you want to you are more than welcome to join." she says with a smile resting on her face.

„That sounds lovely." Vicky answers as sarcasm seeped through because she didn't think hunting would be „lovely".

„Are you going back to your family as well?" she asked Vicky as she was resting on her bed.

„Yeah probably." a blunt lie she told.

„Well then. If any plans go wrong. You can call me any time and we will have a jet waiting for you."

„Damn. A jet?" she asked with a raised brow not realizing how wealthy Kate's family actually is.

„Of course. It's no big deal. Just let me know."
She added and closed her bag.

„When are you heading off?" she asked Vicky trying to figure out why she isn't packing her bag.

„Tomorrow morning. I'll pack tonight. Go and enjoy your time off. I am sure you'll have a splendid time hunting with your family." Vicky jokes her last sentence in an British accent as she thinks that maybe the royals might go hunting. Kate couldn't help herself but to laugh out loud.

„Well then, you jokester. Have a good week I'll see you on Monday." they hugged briefly and Vicky watched her leave letting the door open.

In that way Vicky was able to see everyone walk past hectic in the hallway. They were all so eager to leave to have every single minute used properly.

Vicky didn't really plan on flying back home. She was rather convinced that she'd be better off here on campus. Her mother would convince her to stay with her and to not return to Quantico.

Besides she was hiding her previous injury as well.
Weeks have passed already and the stitches have been removed but her shoulder is still sore as if she hasn't moved it for years.

So instead of flying back and having to bare her mothers scolding lessons she decided to spend her free week here on campus. How miserable.

Their campus is empty. No ones there. It's just her and that is the most relaxing thing. Some peace and quiet. She didn't even have to go to buy any liquor since everyone has a bottle saved in the community room. Some don't go out to drink on Sundays. They just buy something from a liquor store and bring it back here so that they can be by themselves to drink.

Vicky walked up there to grab the bottle she was feeling like drinking. So a wine bottle ended up in her hand. She cooked herself a meal in the cafeteria while blasting music so loud that she can't hear anything but the music.

She finished cooking as she was already on her second glass of wine. She put everything into a plate and went to sit down.

„What are you doing here?" Vicky shrugged together shocked turning around to face the certain someone.

„Isn't it obvious?" she pointed at her plate making Olsen role her eyes.

„I can see that. I mean what are you still doing here? You have a week off so why don't you go back home?" she questioned as Vicky was taking a big chuck from her glass of wine feeling how the liquor warms her body yet leaving her heart cold.

„I am not going." she answers plainly.

„So you don't want to see your mother again?"
and asked her and Vicky shook her head.

„Of course I do. Just not before I finished my program here in Quantico. After graduation I will see her again."

„How come you don't want to now?"
She questioned as she sat down on the opposite side of  Vicky making her raise a brow. She didn't expect her to sit down. Nor did she offer her to join her. She'd rather stay alone.

„My mother isn't really pleased to know that I am here at Quantico." she confesses.

„Right she thinks that you are at a medical school."
She says making Vicky stop eating.

„So Scarlett is a yapper.." she chuckles dry and unimpressed, even disappointed by the redhead as she expected her to be different. She put the dots together as she only told her that in confidence.

„Scarlett??" Olsen repeated questioning as the trainees usually never use the first name of their

„Sorry. I mean Johansson." she corrected herself as her first name just slipped.

„What is your relation with her?" she asked irritated and kinda jealous at the same time.

„There is none." she answered dry.

„So how do you know her first name?" she digs in further.

„I am good at finding things out." Vicky raised her brows as she took a sip of her wine. Olsen swallowed the lump in her throat believing that she is actually good at finding things out. Little does she know that she knows that she's a married woman.

„Why aren't you going back home? Don't you have someone waiting for you?"

„Who would wait for me?" she sighs as she grabbed the wine bottle to take a big sip.

„I don't know. You tell me? I doubt that someone like you isn't taken."  Vicky hints sending Olsen to the edge as she was really trying her best to make Olsen confess. Because that might make this situation better.

„Are you implying on anything Garcia?"
She asked as she noticed how she was teasing and that not in a fun way.

„Shouldn't you know? Since you are the analyst here." she pointed between them. Olsen isn't able to analyze Vicky at all. Ever since they met.
It's like she put a spell on her. Her mind just confuses her.

„Vicky I don't know what went wrong between us."

„Oh come on don't bullshit me. You've been playing with me the whole time." she fires back now sounding pissed.

„It's complicated okay I-."

„No fuck off with your excuses. You are running away from a responsibility and that responsibility is for you to be honest with me after you've railed me several times." she rants silencing Olsen.

„I am fed up on being lied to. I really don't get you at all." she added.

„You have no idea how much I want this time to pass as quick as possible. You drive me insane."
She fires back as she got up to leave.


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