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Vicky POV

„Alright! This right here is a fake tiny town with empty houses and an office building. We took the class above you to play the enemy. They have paint ball guns. So will you. The task is to free the hostages without having them being harmed in any sort of way."

„Winners get a free week off." Johansson added after Olsen was done explaining the task. Everyone cheered as they now have an even bigger motivation to win and that not just because of their ego.

„Vicky since you can't participate properly we hab decided to put you on the sideline. You will be a part of the analysts team for this task. Everyone the ear plugs are connected to each individual we've assigned you to. They will be your eyes in this office." Olsen explained as she walked around handing the ear pieces out as she stopped briefly in front of me looking me into my eyes.

„If they do their job good." she added and continued to hand out the ear pieces.

„They will guide you out of this building without a scratch." she finished her sentence and stopped next to Johansson.

„Just because the analysts will play a big part in the game doesn't mean that you don't have to ply your part good too. You need to be concentrated at all cost." she elaborated as she handed out the paint ball guns.

„We have the same ear piece color. Looks like we are assigned together." Daniel came up next to me and I nod in agreement. „Looks like we are." I answered plainly.

„You better do a proper job. I don't want you to ruin this for all of us." she tells me and I turned my head to the side to give her a look off confusion.

An „Excuse me?" has left my lips as I didn't quite understand what her attitude means.
We rarely interacted during our time here in Quantico but she's always been one step behind me when it comes to competitions.

„Don't act deaf you've heard me. I need this week off for private matters. So you better guide me through it. Or you know what? How about you don't do anything at all I'll handle this all myself."
She fires back and I looked at her now mad as I bawled my fist.

„Okay everyone. Let's get this started." Johansson clapped her hands as she waved everyone into the building to let the task begin.

I watched Daniel leave as the analyst group was standing at three black Vans with computers in them so we can work and have eyes in the building.

„Garcia!! Eyes on the screen!" Olsen caught my attention as I watched Daniel move into the building staring holes into her back trying to figure out why she was so hateful.

„Are you gonna do you job and tell your partner where to go next? Or are you gonna stand there and watch her get killed." she asked me from the side and I glanced at her before looking back at the screen.

„You have four people to your left. It's a one way so there is no other door to exit. You shouldn't enter alone Daniel." I informed her and didn't hear a respond at first.

„I'll take them down." she answered and I rolled my eyes. „Daniel! This isn't safe! You better wait until you have enough back up." I added as I looked at the screens.

„Why isn't she listening?" Olsen asked interfering to my discussion.

„Could you not interrupt me?" I hissed at her and she raised a brow.

„Garcia! You should know that you will get interrupted during your job most of the time! Real life situations can't be controlled! So I am simulating a scenario." she tells me and I sigh.

„Can you just shut up for once?" I asked her and she looked a bit taken back on my outburst.
Good for us that we were alone in that van with the doors closed.

„Shut up? You want me to shut up?" she asked mad.

„I will go in now!"

„NO!!" I yell furiously as Olsen looked at me confused now.

„So you don't want me to shut up? Garcia what's the issue with you today?" she asked me making me boil on the inside.

„For god sake Daniel I told you not to go in there and you do the fucking opposite! Are you stupid?"
I scolded and I felt Olsen's eyes on me.

„I took them down it was nothing!" she hissed back and I bawled my fist once again.

„It is not nothing! You could have gotten yourself killed!"

„Okay calm down Garcia! I've been a cop for years. I can handle such situation."

„I don't give a damn about that! You are supposed to be careful and not recklessly dash into a room with four armed people." I yell back letting out m anger on her that has been build up ever since things took a turn in my situationship with Olsen.

„The second floor is done already. We are heading up to the third. How many are awaiting us?"
Daniel asked finally being a bit more of a team player.

„Six. Two on the west side of the floor and the other four are are heading towards north." I explain as I checked the security cameras.

„Ryan is with me we are heading west. The rest of the team is heading north. Are you happy now Garcia?" she argues back as I still felt Olsen's eyes on me.

„Clear the floor and come down. I want this week off too." I answered taking out my earpiece as I trust in my team to do the work properly and even though Daniel acted like a cocky bitch she in fact did do a good job at eliminating the targets.

„Vicky I-." she spoke up but I got back up from my seat opening the van door to exit.

„I don't wanna hear it Olsen." I mumbled as I closed the door behind me to walk to the team that was walking out successfully.


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