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Vicky POV

„You told me to stay behind after training." I walked up to Johansson and she nod.

„Right. I was impressed by how quick you reacted even though you were distracted."

„I wasn't distracted."

„Please. You were. I couldn't pinpoint who you were looking at in the crowd. But you definitely didn't had your eyes at the target." she exposed me and I couldn't deny it anymore.

„Am I in trouble?" I asked her honestly not knowing what to expect next.

„No. Just I am just a bit confused."

„Please go ahead, if there is anything I can do to assist." I answer respectfully. She is slightly intimidating. Definitely more intimidating than Olsen. So I don't know how to handle her just yet.

„We read your file. There isn't any prove on any self defense classes or martial arts classes. So this can't explain your fast reactions."

„I am not sure if I can follow.." I answer being well aware on what she's about to ask.

„Why are you so quick in reacting on any movement? You didn't even pay full attention and he wasn't able to touch you first." she asked me.

„I guess I was lucky." I answered and she smirked at my response.

„Lucky hm." she mumbled and before I was able to tell her anything she raised her fist to punch me but I ducked as I grabbed her fist to twist her to ground making me hunch over her.

„And you really wanna tell me you are lucky?
Don't try to bullshit me Garcia. You have skill set."
She tells me as I have her hands pinned up above her head.

„It's not a skill set I asked for. I don't like all these questions everyone is asking here."

„I see.." she sighs. „Your secrets are not secrets for long. We will find things out eventually. At latest with the lie detector evaluation."

I fall silent as she mentions a lie detector. The first thing that came to my mind was Olsen. Shit.

„Why so pale Garcia? Are you hiding something?" she asked me and I shook my head.

„No. I was just never attached to a lie detector."

„You all have to go through it. It is part of the training." she explained and I nod.

„Hold on. Earlier. You said that „we read your file."
Does that mean you all three know everything about us?" I questioned her and she nod.

„It's part of the job. We know you all." she replied and I sat back shocked landing on her hip.

„Is everything okay?" she asked me and I didn't answer immediately.

„Am I interrupting something??" our heads turn to the side seeing Olsen stand there in her black suit with her wine red heels and a clipboard resting on her hip.

I separated myself quick from topping Johansson and got up helping her up in the process.

„Lizzie. What do you need?" Johansson asked.
So her name is Lizzie? Must be short for Elizabeth. Wow it fits perfectly.

„Stan send me to let you sign some papers. I can come by later. Looks like I was interrupting a...moment." she tried to find her words while still standing in the doorway.

„Please, you weren't interrupting anything. I was just...testing her."

„I should probably leave and-."

„Yes. I'll see you at training Garcia."
Johansson dismissed me and I walked past Lizzie earning a deadly stare from her. I heard her heels click knowing she's walking towards Johansson.

I stood behind the door to eavesdrop, I know I shouldn't but I can't help myself.

„Scar are you fucking crazy? What was that?"
She hissed at her.

„Nothing okay?"

„It definitely didn't look like „nothing" it looked like something!"

„I tried to punch her but she grabbed my fist and managed to get me to the ground."

„Managed to get you to the ground?? No one is topping you."

„Looks like she did."

„Scarlett." her voice got deeper and more serious.

„I'm sorry okay. Maybe it was a moment I don't know. But nothing happened she was just on top of me."

„With your hands pinned above your head. This looked like a-."

„Okay calm your horses there Liz. You are overreacting and overthinking things. Why are you so upset about it anyway?"

„Scarlett for fucking sake she's a student."
Says the one who had something with her student.
Is she even listening to her words?? She shouldn't be so pissed about me topping Johansson when she was literally on top of me 24 hours ago.

„For crying out loud Lizzie I told you there wasn't anything. It was just training."

„Okay and what if other students walked in?? Or Stan? Or other agents? You see where I am going with this thought? You can be glad that it was just me. It could have been worse. Besides what if
Vicky is a really talkative person? Maybe she will share this spicy event with a certain roommate?"
She lectures her sternly.

„See? This is what I mean by you are overthinking.
Garcia was a secret keeper from the start. So I highly doubt that she will be sharing this with anyone."

„Secret keeper? What do you mean? What secret?"
She asked scared.

„I don't know it yet. But I told her about the upcoming lie detector tests and she fell silent.
I think there is something that wasn't in her file."

„Do you want me to find it out?" what the fuck? Why does she want to do that?

„Can you?" she asked Lizzie.

„Of course I can. I'll find things out before the lie detector test." Blondie says confidently.

„If not you owe me something!" Johansson added.

„Deal." she agreed. Now this is fucked up.

I need to talk to Olsen and I need to find her office before she leaves.


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