Discussing trio

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Vicky POV

„Hm" I felt a surging pain piercing through my shoulder as I came back to my senses.

„Vicky?" I began to open my eyes as I heard Olsen and Johansson at the same time.

„Don't they have any paint meds?" I mumbled with a sore voice feeling nothing else but a pumping pain.

„I'll go get a nurse." Johansson stroked my arm and left.

I kept my eyes on the wall as I didn't want to look into Olsen's eyes. She still held my hand.

„How are you feeling besides the pain?"
She asked me probably trying to distract me.

„Definitely not happy." I tell her bluntly.

„I thought you would be." she answered and to my surprise I looked at her now with a frowning face.

An „Excuse me?" slipped and she coughed lightly.

„Smith is no longer a burden to us. He's gone he can't hurt you anymore."

„US? What do you mean by us?" I asked her reminding her swift that there was no us to begin with.

„Why would I be happy that a teammate had shot himself in the head right in front off me?"

„What did he have in his hands against you Vicky?This is what I am asking you." she came clear with her words and I my head began to pound like crazy.
I let my head fall back into my pillow wanting to sink into it so deep that I'd disappear.

„Shouldn't a „sick visit" be a visit where you'd comfort a person? Or am I missing something?"
I tell her sarcastically as I wasn't expecting her interrogating me this way.

„Vicky I am just doing my job." she answers bluntly.

„Your job? Well you didn't do it right or I wouldn't be here to begin with."

„So you are blaming me for this?" she asked but I could see the guilt she had in her eyes when she tried to stop my bleeding. I could never forget that fearful expression.

„So what if I am? Would I be wrong?"
Silence crawled into the room making it hard to maintain the conversation.

„Tell me Elizabeth!" I call out her name making this more personal now.

„I-." she was interrupted as the door open with Johansson walking in having a nurse beside her.

„What's going on?" Johansson asked as she probably read the room like an open book.
Olsen close by and me looking out the window to avoid anyone's eyes.

„Vicky do you feel any other pain than the pain in your shoulder?" the nurse asked me as she was examining me.

„My head is pounding. I feel pressure." I tell her referring to Olsen's pressure but the nurse won't know it. Olsen will if she reads me right.
She should since she's a fucking analyst. She better start making her job right when it comes to this. Or was she blinded by me?

„Can you feel this?" she asked me as she touched down my arm on the side where my shoulder was shot.

„Yes." I answered and she hummed taking notes.

„How about this?" she asked placing her hand under my shirt tracing her finger over the skin between my shoulder and chest.

„It's a dull feeling." she took notes again.

„Okay. We will come by with a doctor later on so we will check on you a bit more intense.
I'll give you a medical infusion it will help against any pain."

„Even the one in m heart?" I joked and she smiled softly down on me.

„Sorry I don't have anything against that sweetie."
She answered and I blushed feeling warm but i don't know if it's from the infusion she already put in.

I watched Olsen, earning a frowned face from her making me role my eyes at her jealous expression.
What is she even so jealous about I don't get it.

„Please get some more rest. Try not to stress yourself." she tells me and I hum.

„Thank you." I thanked her and she smiled walking off with her clipboard.

„You guys should leave." I tell them both after the door closed.

„What? Why?" Olsen asked confused.

„Didn't you hear what she said? I shouldn't stress myself and guess who is stressing me?"
I tell them as they glanced at each other.

„Both of you stress me. I can't stand the pitiful eyes you give me mixed with guilt and whatever comes with it."

„Stan ordered us to find out what happened between the two of you." Johansson took over as she notices how hurt Olsen is.

„The things I told you about my father.."
I tell her not knowing if she shared this with Olsen. But even if I don't want to I have to now.

„He held this against me."

„Only this?" Johansson asked a bit skeptical and I have a feeling I have to give her more to the story.
Just not all off it.

„He was an agent.." their faces went wide.

„Here at the FBI." I added letting the information sink in.

„How did we not know this?" Johansson asked shocked.

„Zeth O'Neil. My name was O'Neil till he died.
After that I took my mothers last name. She managed to wipe him out of my life and files.
Don't ask me how she did that. Till today I haven't been able to make up my mind about it. But she did so this way no one would be able to associate us with him."

„Why would she do that?" Olsen asked me confused joining our conversation.

„Fear? Love? I don't know. She probably didn't want any FBI agents knocking on our door.
My father never spoke about us at work. So we were kinda hidden and that was partly beneficial.
Maybe my mom still wanted to keep his „white vest" without any stains."

„Even though it was drenched in blood." I added after a moment of silence.

„I'm so so sorry for what you had to endure Vicky..." Olsen apologized as she tried to comfort me.

„It's nothing you have t apologize for. It happened and I can't change it. So I have to live with it."

„Y'know if you don't wanna talk to us about your feelings and past, we always have a psychologist on campus. She's an amazing help." Johansson offers and it awfully sounded like she went to her too.

„No thanks."

„This wasn't an offer Vicky!" Olsen added firmly making me raise a brow.

„It's not written down yet but there is an unspoken rule that if something traumatic happens during the time on campus you are requested to attend some therapy sessions." Johansson explains Olsen answer.

„Well if it's and „unspoken rule" why don't we just let it be and not talk about it? Sounds good to me." I held my thumb up and leaned back into my pillow wanting to rest cause these two really make me tired.

„It's settled we can't change it and we don't have a say in it. It an order from above." Olsen tells me and I took a deep breath before saying something I might regret.

„We will come and check in on you regularly.
You can rest now." Johansson answered and nod her head.

„And don't even think in „dismissing yourself" from this medical bed!! Understood?" Olsen demanded as she referred to my first outburst from the medical bed when I came back from my senses from being knocked out by Smiths punch.


A/n: new job has me in a chokehold.. (and that not in a sexy way..) I'll try my best to upload as frequently as possible. If not I am sorry (Miss Jackson ohhh) (bad joke sorry)

Thanks for reading !! <3

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and Love ✌🏽❤️


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