Deadly secrets make a mess

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Narrator POV

„Smith.. please I need you to lay down the weapon." The whole class watched how Vicky was trying to get a hold on this escalated scene.

„Stop talking you bitch!! You know to much!"
He said while wiping away his tears.

„Come on. I was leading you on man. I know nothing I swear.. please I was lying. I just wanted you to think that I know something. Trust me I know nothing!" she explained frantic as fear creeped into her voice and eyes.

„LIAR!! How can you know everything?"
He asked her mad as he was probably referring to the age which was the only information she dropped and that it was a girl.

„Man this was a- a wild guess. I swear. I know nothing please let's just-."

„Smith! We can work things out if you cooperate please-." Olsen spoke through the hidden speaker making Smith go insane. But hearing this fearful voice on the other side makes Vicky's heart ache.
She does seem to care after all...

Will this be the last time when Vicky will hear her voice? Is this it was what she was thinking.

„SHUT UP!!!" he screams as he shot every single camera leaving nothing for the outer world to see making Olsen and Johansson go insane on the inside.

„I will kill you I can't let this come to the surface."
He cry's out loud while pointing the gun back at Vicky.

„Smith you know it is wrong. Or else you wouldn't feel so ashamed.." Vicky tried to explain it to him rationally.

„SILENCE!!" he screams as he shot past Vicky's head making her flinch. A tinnitus ring off in her ear so loud that she fears that she won't hear anything on that side anymore.

„It just happened.. I-. She was-."
He said making Vicky feel sick to her stomach.
Nothing he made can just happen by „accident".

„I want you to admit it. No one can hear us."
Vicky pushes further having nothing lose now. She might as well die trying to get the truth out of him even though she already knows it.

„I won't admit anything, because I did nothing wrong!"

„Nothing wrong?? Then why are you driving yourself into madness?" she questioned as she clearly saw how he was sweating uncontrollably from the fear he feels.

„I want you to admit what you did!"

„You know I did nothing wrong either."

„You should quit this program. Did you really think you could fuck yourself through to get the grades you want?" he accused her and she staid silent shaking her head.

„It's not like this." she mumbles lowly feeling guilty now as she never looked at her situation this way until now.

„Then what is it? Is it love?" he asked her and she staid silent. She won't deny it because that would be a lie but this would only approve his assumption.

She might as well say admit it. Not knowing if she would come out alive or not. This might be the only chance to come clean with herself.

„It was." she tells him in past tense

„For me at least. I can't tell if it was for the other person as well. But it's over now. I swear Smith this is the whole truth." I tell him as his lips quivered.

Vicky had enough of this leading on. The back and forth is killing her and it feels like she's been in here for hours even though it might be some minutes.

Her eyes dart slowly around Smith. She's trying to find a way to get to him. With the table between there is a high risk. She can't walk around it. She'd be dead before she'd be able to touch him.
Crawling under it also not an option. He'd kick her before shooting her. Giving her one option.
Over the table. But that's also not as good as the other options.

From his file she knows that he's been in the military. Stationed in the Middle East. For four years. That's where his crime happened. So he is way more trained than she is.

He doesn't stop crying. That's the only thing that can buy herself some time. Whenever he rubs his eyes to clear his vision. That will be the only window for herself to try to get the upper hand on this situation. Even if it might be just a second.
She has to risk it because she's on her own in here. She knows that no one out there will get in and even if they do he'd shoot a bullet through Vicky's head.

His sobbing was the only thing filling this room.
He gave Vicky one moment to risk it all. As he pulled his hand to his face to rub his eyes and the good thing is he did it with the hand where he held the gun.

Vicky pushed the table towards him making him slam against the wall behind him. She jumped onto the table leaning forward wanting to grab the gun as it was still pointed at her Smith shoot two bullets through the same spot.

As an agonizing scream filled the room she pushed him to the ground in a jolt. She feel down from the table backwards crawling to the wall to see him lay there in the ground getting up.

„I'm not gonna go to prison for what I did. They will kill me once I am in there." he cried out while slamming his head with his hands.

He starred at  Vicky bleeding out. Feeling satisfied by his actions. Yet he had one last thing to do.
„Remember... this is all your fault Garcia."

He whispered as tears streamed down his face before pushing the tip of the gun into his mouth to blast the wall behind him with his brain.

The tinnitus in  Vicky's ear was the only thing surging through her ears. Having Smiths last words echo through them as well.

Leaned against the wall she can't seem to get up to
Remove the chair from the door so the others can enter.

„I don't hear anything anymore." Johansson whispered on the other side. Not a single word was dropped after they heard three gun shoots.

„We have to get in there now!" Olsen pushed herself past Stan and Johansson. Slamming her body against the door multiple times with no reaction.

Johansson did the same helping her to get in and after the thirds try the door slammed open entering a crime scene that will leave a huge stain on their minds.

Nothing could have prepared them to see this.
But they can't seem to shake the feeling off that they might have been able to prevent this.

Since  Vicky was visibly worried about Smith and his possible actions. Johansson and Olsen didn't dig in further, leaving them with guilt trips.


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